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  2023復習正是強化復習階段,在考研英語中占了40分,所以考研英語閱讀是英語科目中重要的一項。名師老師曾建議過考研生需要堅持每天泛讀10-15分鐘的英文原刊。強烈推薦了雜志《經濟學人》.雜志中的文章也是考研英語的主要材料來源.希望考研考生認真閱讀,快速提高考研英語閱讀水平。   Iran and its nuclear plans   伊朗與其核計劃   Time out   對話暫停   The West and Iran will negotiate for four moremonths, but the gap is wide   西方與伊朗將全面談判對話延長四個月,但雙方分歧很大   AFTER some unconvincing last-minutebrinkmanship, Iran and the six world powers it is negotiating with decided on July 18th toextend the deadline for an agreement by four months. The negotiators, seeking to secure adeal to curb Iran s nuclear programme in exchange for the removal of sanctions, are takinga break until September. Then they have until November 24th, exactly a year after thesigning of the joint plan of action that first set the ball rolling, to find a permanentsolution.   在一些難以令人信服的邊緣政策出臺之后,伊朗和六國7月18日決定將對話延長四個月。談判方希望能通過一個協定,以解除制裁伊朗來換取停止伊朗核項目。現在,雙方對話暫停,于9月重新啟動,并將持續到11月24日,這個日子自簽訂聯合行動計劃,也就是第一次開始對話以尋求永恒的解決辦法以來,剛好整整一年。   In the meantime, the provisions of the six-month interim deal that came into force onJanuary 20th will stay in place with a few minor tweaks. Iran will take another step towardsneutralising its stockpile of 20%-enriched uranium by turning the uranium-oxide powder intofuel plates for a research reactor. In return, Iran will continue to get very limited relief onsome lesser sanctions and another $700m a month from frozen bank accounts abroad.   同時,1月20日開始實施的臨時協定日內瓦協定將做出一些微調,但基本保持不變。伊朗下一步將通過把二氧化鈾粉末變成每一個研究反應堆的板塊燃料板件來使用掉庫存的20%濃縮鈾。反過來,在對伊朗的制裁上,伊朗只能得到些許緩解,以及每月從海外凍結的銀行賬戶中獲得7億美元的資金。   The decision to extend the negotiations makes sense for both sides and was widelyexpected. For the mainly Western negotiating team known as the P5+1 the interim deal hasincreased, if only by a bit, the time it would take Iran to produce enough weapons-gradeuranium to make a single nuclear device. Some progress has also been made on a plan todefang the heavy-water reactor at Arak that could provide Iran with an alternativeplutonium path to a bomb, by adapting it to a design that produces far less plutonium.   延長對話的決定既對談判雙方都有益,也廣受期待。對主要的西方談判小組,也就是被大家所知曉的P5+1組織而言 ,對話暫停增加了時間伊朗能生產出足夠武器級的鈾來制造單個的核裝置。目前就計劃通過調整適應一個產生極少钚的設計方案以阿拉克重水反應堆已經取得一些進展。阿拉克能給伊朗提供替代性的钚來完成炸彈。   Another issue that people close to the negotiations feel could soon be resolved is that of theenrichment facility at Fordow. Buried deep beneath a mountain and believed by many to beinvulnerable to attack by conventional bombs, it could now be converted into a fairlyinnocuous R D centre. Combined with the enhanced-inspection regime that Iran haslargely co-operated with, these are potential gains worth holding on to, at least for now.   另外,談判相關人員能感覺到另一件事情可能很快得到解決,即弗杜的濃縮裝置。很多人都認為這批被埋在大山地下深處的裝置很容易遭受傳統炸彈的轟擊,而現在,已經轉入一個相當安全的發展研究所。與伊朗大力合作的增前了的審查制度一并,這些都還值得緊緊抓牢,至少目前是這樣。   For Iran, the choice has been much starker. To walk away from the table at this point wouldbe to condemn Iranians to the prospect of a failing economy permanently locked in thegrip of an unyielding sanctions regime. The damage to the presidency of Hassan Rohani,elected last year to end Iran s economic and political isolation, would probably beirreparable. Even the glowering supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, might fear theconsequences of failure for his regime s legitimacy.   對伊朗來說,這種選擇則更加嚴峻了。在這個節骨眼上離開談判桌,伊朗因一個長期受制裁控制日漸衰退的經濟狀況而受到指責。去年,哈桑魯哈尼當選總統,結束了伊朗的經濟政治孤立狀態,而如今他所受到的迫害怕是無法挽回的,甚至是兇狠的至高領導者阿亞圖拉阿里哈梅內伊,也會害怕政權無效的后果。   Western negotiators are clearly hoping that contemplation of that grim prospect will givetheir Iranian counterparts the space they need to make the further concessions undoubtedlyrequired if a comprehensive agreement is to be reached. America and its negotiatingpartners want to see Iran s current enrichment capacityabout 19,000 centrifuges, half ofwhich are spinningcut drastically. The Americans believe that anything above 3,000-4,000would be impossible to sell to a sceptical Congress. Yet the Iranians seem to be digging intheir heels by coming up with ever-higher estimates of the number of centrifuges they aim tohave.   西方的談判者很明顯,他們就是在期待如果要達成全面的協議,不容樂觀的前景會讓伊朗做出進一步妥協。美國與其協商伙伴希望能看到伊朗大規模減少其目前的濃縮能力1.9萬分離機,其中一半處于工作中。美方認為,超過3000-4000以上,持懷疑態度的國會就不會買賬。然而,伊朗似乎拒不讓步,他們已經增加了預計持有的分離機數量。   In a speech on July 7th, Mr Khamenei declared that Iran must be able to produce enoughenriched uranium to fuel the Russian-built Bushehr nuclear reactor when a contract withRussia to supply fuel runs out in 2023. That translates to a definite need for 190,000separative work units. Iran would need more than 100,000 of the older IR-1 centrifuges thatare the current backbone of its enrichment programme, or about 20,000 of the moreefficient IR-2m centrifuges it has recently begun to deploy. The Iranians say this is in linewith what they describe as their right to enrich for civil nuclear purposes under the termsof the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty .   7月7日,哈梅內伊在講話中說到,當與俄羅斯簽訂的燃料供給合約到2023年到期,伊朗一定能生產足夠的濃縮鈾供給俄羅斯建造的布什爾反應堆。也就是滿足額定的19萬分離功單位。伊朗還需10萬多老式IR-1分離機,目前這是濃縮項目中的主要設備,或者2萬多更高效的IR-2分離機,這也是目前已經開始采用的。伊方表示,這與他們所描述的在《不擴散核武條約》下,有權濃縮民用核是一致的。   America has tacitly admitted that Iran will have to be allowed to do some enriching as theprice for a deal that otherwise constrains its nuclear plans. But it will not accept that Iran,given its record of deceit and clandestine activity, needs a capacity to enrich that ispossessed by very few other countries that use civil nuclear power. Robert Einhorn, anarms-control expert at the Brookings Institution in Washington who served in the Clintonadministration, argues that the Iranian demand fails the realism test at several levels. Ithas no need to produce all its own fuel because it can either go on getting it from Russia oron the enriched-uranium buyers market. Iran has neither the technical knowledge nor theinfrastructure to produce fuel of the type Bushehr requires.   美國機智地回應,承認伊朗以達成協議為前提能進行一些濃縮項目,不然將限制其核計劃。但鑒于伊朗有撒謊和暗中擅自行為的前科,美國不會允許伊朗擁有只有少數使用民用核的國家擁有的濃縮能力。RobertEinhorn是華盛頓布魯金斯學會的一位軍備控制專家,曾為克林頓工作。他認為伊朗的需求在很多層面上顯得不現實。伊朗完全沒有必要將其所有的燃料生產出來,因為它能繼續從俄羅斯或者濃縮鈾市場得到燃料。伊朗既沒有技術知識也沒有基礎設施生產出布什爾所需要的燃料品種。   If the enrichment capacity that Iran says it will eventually need is both implausible andfar in excess of anything being contemplated as acceptable to the P5+1, so too is itsconcept of the time an agreement would run before Iran could be treated as a normal NPTsignatory. Iran is thinking in terms of not much more than five years, while the Americansand their partners have in mind ten to 20 years of punctilious compliance before Irancould start building up its centrifuges again. It is possible that under such a deal Iran might beallowed to continue developing advanced centrifuges and learn the techniques of fuelfabrication, thus preparing itself for a more ambitious nuclear programme after theagreement expires. That, Mr Einhorn thinks, could be the basis of a compromise.   如果伊朗所說自己最終需求的濃縮能力既不合情理,也不能被P5+1接受,那么在伊朗也能被視為一個正常的《不擴散核武條約》簽署國之前,協議達成所需的時間也是一樣的。伊朗的考慮是5年內,而美國及其盟友心中所想的時間伊朗需要謹慎遵從條約規定10到20年,才能再開始建立分離機。只有在這樣的前提下,伊朗才有可能被允許繼續發展高級的分離機以及學習燃料制造技術,因而在協議期滿之后為自己更宏偉的核計劃做好準備。 Einhorn表示這是妥協的基礎。   Can Mr Rohani sell a deal along those lines back home, above all to the enigmatic MrKhamenei? They may not even know. But four months is not long to find out.   魯哈尼能與哈梅內伊達成協議嗎?他們也許不會知道,但是花上四個月的時間,不難發現。   詞語解釋   1.negotiate with 與談判   We tried to negotiate with them, but they refused.   我們試圖與他們談判, 但被他們拒絕。   They should negotiate with the other players to getthe best rate possible.   他們可以與其他玩家談判以獲得可能的最好利率。   2.in exchange for 作為的交換   You and the piece of grass are all they have given me in exchange for the whole world,which I enjoyed outside.   你和這小塊草皮是他們所給我的,用來交換我在外面享受著的整個世界的。   In exchange for your effort, you are rewarded with composting service, provided byreliable workers.   以你的努力為交換,你將獲得由可靠的工人提供的堆制肥料服務。   3.continue to 繼續   At the moment, we continue to do what we do.   目前我們會繼續做我們應該做的。   The answer to the question of/whether we should continue to hold the meeting as planneddepends in part on when the epidemic disease is curbed.   問題的答案在于,我們是否可以繼續按計劃舉行會議,部分地取決于什么時候那種傳染病會得到控制。   4.provide with 供給   Because they illustrate vividly how one should live his life and how provide with the provenways to reach one s potential.   它們生動闡述著人應當怎樣生活,并為人們在實現自己潛能的道路上提供可行之選。   Innovation is more than designing more fashion products, it also includs to get approvale ofthe customer and provide with more services and so on.   創新不僅僅只是設計出更多的時髦產品,它還應包括如何令客戶更滿意、為客戶提供更好的服務等方面。


  2023復習正是強化復習階段,在考研英語中占了40分,所以考研英語閱讀是英語科目中重要的一項。名師老師曾建議過考研生需要堅持每天泛讀10-15分鐘的英文原刊。強烈推薦了雜志《經濟學人》.雜志中的文章也是考研英語的主要材料來源.希望考研考生認真閱讀,快速提高考研英語閱讀水平。   Iran and its nuclear plans   伊朗與其核計劃   Time out   對話暫停   The West and Iran will negotiate for four moremonths, but the gap is wide   西方與伊朗將全面談判對話延長四個月,但雙方分歧很大   AFTER some unconvincing last-minutebrinkmanship, Iran and the six world powers it is negotiating with decided on July 18th toextend the deadline for an agreement by four months. The negotiators, seeking to secure adeal to curb Iran s nuclear programme in exchange for the removal of sanctions, are takinga break until September. Then they have until November 24th, exactly a year after thesigning of the joint plan of action that first set the ball rolling, to find a permanentsolution.   在一些難以令人信服的邊緣政策出臺之后,伊朗和六國7月18日決定將對話延長四個月。談判方希望能通過一個協定,以解除制裁伊朗來換取停止伊朗核項目。現在,雙方對話暫停,于9月重新啟動,并將持續到11月24日,這個日子自簽訂聯合行動計劃,也就是第一次開始對話以尋求永恒的解決辦法以來,剛好整整一年。   In the meantime, the provisions of the six-month interim deal that came into force onJanuary 20th will stay in place with a few minor tweaks. Iran will take another step towardsneutralising its stockpile of 20%-enriched uranium by turning the uranium-oxide powder intofuel plates for a research reactor. In return, Iran will continue to get very limited relief onsome lesser sanctions and another $700m a month from frozen bank accounts abroad.   同時,1月20日開始實施的臨時協定日內瓦協定將做出一些微調,但基本保持不變。伊朗下一步將通過把二氧化鈾粉末變成每一個研究反應堆的板塊燃料板件來使用掉庫存的20%濃縮鈾。反過來,在對伊朗的制裁上,伊朗只能得到些許緩解,以及每月從海外凍結的銀行賬戶中獲得7億美元的資金。   The decision to extend the negotiations makes sense for both sides and was widelyexpected. For the mainly Western negotiating team known as the P5+1 the interim deal hasincreased, if only by a bit, the time it would take Iran to produce enough weapons-gradeuranium to make a single nuclear device. Some progress has also been made on a plan todefang the heavy-water reactor at Arak that could provide Iran with an alternativeplutonium path to a bomb, by adapting it to a design that produces far less plutonium.   延長對話的決定既對談判雙方都有益,也廣受期待。對主要的西方談判小組,也就是被大家所知曉的P5+1組織而言 ,對話暫停增加了時間伊朗能生產出足夠武器級的鈾來制造單個的核裝置。目前就計劃通過調整適應一個產生極少钚的設計方案以阿拉克重水反應堆已經取得一些進展。阿拉克能給伊朗提供替代性的钚來完成炸彈。   Another issue that people close to the negotiations feel could soon be resolved is that of theenrichment facility at Fordow. Buried deep beneath a mountain and believed by many to beinvulnerable to attack by conventional bombs, it could now be converted into a fairlyinnocuous R D centre. Combined with the enhanced-inspection regime that Iran haslargely co-operated with, these are potential gains worth holding on to, at least for now.   另外,談判相關人員能感覺到另一件事情可能很快得到解決,即弗杜的濃縮裝置。很多人都認為這批被埋在大山地下深處的裝置很容易遭受傳統炸彈的轟擊,而現在,已經轉入一個相當安全的發展研究所。與伊朗大力合作的增前了的審查制度一并,這些都還值得緊緊抓牢,至少目前是這樣。   For Iran, the choice has been much starker. To walk away from the table at this point wouldbe to condemn Iranians to the prospect of a failing economy permanently locked in thegrip of an unyielding sanctions regime. The damage to the presidency of Hassan Rohani,elected last year to end Iran s economic and political isolation, would probably beirreparable. Even the glowering supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, might fear theconsequences of failure for his regime s legitimacy.   對伊朗來說,這種選擇則更加嚴峻了。在這個節骨眼上離開談判桌,伊朗因一個長期受制裁控制日漸衰退的經濟狀況而受到指責。去年,哈桑魯哈尼當選總統,結束了伊朗的經濟政治孤立狀態,而如今他所受到的迫害怕是無法挽回的,甚至是兇狠的至高領導者阿亞圖拉阿里哈梅內伊,也會害怕政權無效的后果。   Western negotiators are clearly hoping that contemplation of that grim prospect will givetheir Iranian counterparts the space they need to make the further concessions undoubtedlyrequired if a comprehensive agreement is to be reached. America and its negotiatingpartners want to see Iran s current enrichment capacityabout 19,000 centrifuges, half ofwhich are spinningcut drastically. The Americans believe that anything above 3,000-4,000would be impossible to sell to a sceptical Congress. Yet the Iranians seem to be digging intheir heels by coming up with ever-higher estimates of the number of centrifuges they aim tohave.   西方的談判者很明顯,他們就是在期待如果要達成全面的協議,不容樂觀的前景會讓伊朗做出進一步妥協。美國與其協商伙伴希望能看到伊朗大規模減少其目前的濃縮能力1.9萬分離機,其中一半處于工作中。美方認為,超過3000-4000以上,持懷疑態度的國會就不會買賬。然而,伊朗似乎拒不讓步,他們已經增加了預計持有的分離機數量。   In a speech on July 7th, Mr Khamenei declared that Iran must be able to produce enoughenriched uranium to fuel the Russian-built Bushehr nuclear reactor when a contract withRussia to supply fuel runs out in 2023. That translates to a definite need for 190,000separative work units. Iran would need more than 100,000 of the older IR-1 centrifuges thatare the current backbone of its enrichment programme, or about 20,000 of the moreefficient IR-2m centrifuges it has recently begun to deploy. The Iranians say this is in linewith what they describe as their right to enrich for civil nuclear purposes under the termsof the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty .   7月7日,哈梅內伊在講話中說到,當與俄羅斯簽訂的燃料供給合約到2023年到期,伊朗一定能生產足夠的濃縮鈾供給俄羅斯建造的布什爾反應堆。也就是滿足額定的19萬分離功單位。伊朗還需10萬多老式IR-1分離機,目前這是濃縮項目中的主要設備,或者2萬多更高效的IR-2分離機,這也是目前已經開始采用的。伊方表示,這與他們所描述的在《不擴散核武條約》下,有權濃縮民用核是一致的。   America has tacitly admitted that Iran will have to be allowed to do some enriching as theprice for a deal that otherwise constrains its nuclear plans. But it will not accept that Iran,given its record of deceit and clandestine activity, needs a capacity to enrich that ispossessed by very few other countries that use civil nuclear power. Robert Einhorn, anarms-control expert at the Brookings Institution in Washington who served in the Clintonadministration, argues that the Iranian demand fails the realism test at several levels. Ithas no need to produce all its own fuel because it can either go on getting it from Russia oron the enriched-uranium buyers market. Iran has neither the technical knowledge nor theinfrastructure to produce fuel of the type Bushehr requires.   美國機智地回應,承認伊朗以達成協議為前提能進行一些濃縮項目,不然將限制其核計劃。但鑒于伊朗有撒謊和暗中擅自行為的前科,美國不會允許伊朗擁有只有少數使用民用核的國家擁有的濃縮能力。RobertEinhorn是華盛頓布魯金斯學會的一位軍備控制專家,曾為克林頓工作。他認為伊朗的需求在很多層面上顯得不現實。伊朗完全沒有必要將其所有的燃料生產出來,因為它能繼續從俄羅斯或者濃縮鈾市場得到燃料。伊朗既沒有技術知識也沒有基礎設施生產出布什爾所需要的燃料品種。   If the enrichment capacity that Iran says it will eventually need is both implausible andfar in excess of anything being contemplated as acceptable to the P5+1, so too is itsconcept of the time an agreement would run before Iran could be treated as a normal NPTsignatory. Iran is thinking in terms of not much more than five years, while the Americansand their partners have in mind ten to 20 years of punctilious compliance before Irancould start building up its centrifuges again. It is possible that under such a deal Iran might beallowed to continue developing advanced centrifuges and learn the techniques of fuelfabrication, thus preparing itself for a more ambitious nuclear programme after theagreement expires. That, Mr Einhorn thinks, could be the basis of a compromise.   如果伊朗所說自己最終需求的濃縮能力既不合情理,也不能被P5+1接受,那么在伊朗也能被視為一個正常的《不擴散核武條約》簽署國之前,協議達成所需的時間也是一樣的。伊朗的考慮是5年內,而美國及其盟友心中所想的時間伊朗需要謹慎遵從條約規定10到20年,才能再開始建立分離機。只有在這樣的前提下,伊朗才有可能被允許繼續發展高級的分離機以及學習燃料制造技術,因而在協議期滿之后為自己更宏偉的核計劃做好準備。 Einhorn表示這是妥協的基礎。   Can Mr Rohani sell a deal along those lines back home, above all to the enigmatic MrKhamenei? They may not even know. But four months is not long to find out.   魯哈尼能與哈梅內伊達成協議嗎?他們也許不會知道,但是花上四個月的時間,不難發現。   詞語解釋   1.negotiate with 與談判   We tried to negotiate with them, but they refused.   我們試圖與他們談判, 但被他們拒絕。   They should negotiate with the other players to getthe best rate possible.   他們可以與其他玩家談判以獲得可能的最好利率。   2.in exchange for 作為的交換   You and the piece of grass are all they have given me in exchange for the whole world,which I enjoyed outside.   你和這小塊草皮是他們所給我的,用來交換我在外面享受著的整個世界的。   In exchange for your effort, you are rewarded with composting service, provided byreliable workers.   以你的努力為交換,你將獲得由可靠的工人提供的堆制肥料服務。   3.continue to 繼續   At the moment, we continue to do what we do.   目前我們會繼續做我們應該做的。   The answer to the question of/whether we should continue to hold the meeting as planneddepends in part on when the epidemic disease is curbed.   問題的答案在于,我們是否可以繼續按計劃舉行會議,部分地取決于什么時候那種傳染病會得到控制。   4.provide with 供給   Because they illustrate vividly how one should live his life and how provide with the provenways to reach one s potential.   它們生動闡述著人應當怎樣生活,并為人們在實現自己潛能的道路上提供可行之選。   Innovation is more than designing more fashion products, it also includs to get approvale ofthe customer and provide with more services and so on.   創新不僅僅只是設計出更多的時髦產品,它還應包括如何令客戶更滿意、為客戶提供更好的服務等方面。


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