SAT作文例子之Lance Armstrong
下面是一篇關于七屆環法自行車賽冠軍Lance Armstrong的SAT作文例子,在這篇SAT作文例子中,介紹了這位冠軍生平的性格轉變,和因此而得到的成功的事。下面我們一起來看看這篇SAT作文例子的詳細內容吧。
整個SAT作文例子的邏輯鏈是:曾經的Lance 很頑固,不聽任何人的建議后來得了癌癥改變自己的性格,變得比較cooperative最后戰勝癌癥,取得環法冠軍。
1) 曾經的性格
He was stubborn. He didnt understand the strategy of holding a little energy in reserve.
First race: 1990 Amateur World Championship in Japan. The race, held on a very hot day, was 115 miles long with a difficult uphill section. Chris wanted Lance to draft--- to stay behind other riders and save some energy for the end of the race. But Lance didnt listen to his coach. He was overconfident and quickly pedaled to a big lead. The lead grew to almost 90 seconds, but Lance was exhausting himself. He got tired and slowed down. His lead fell to a minute, than to 30 seconds. Soon the peloton had caught him. Lance couldnt mount a charge at the end. Hed to draft with him. By being selfish, Lance was isolating him.
2) 得癌癥
At the age 25, the doctor Reeves said that he suffered testicular cancer. The cancer had spread from his testicle to his lungs.
3) 如何轉變性格
Surgery to remove his testicle, three hours, success. Next three months, he need a powerful chemotherapy,, a kind of cancer treatment that can be very hard on the patient.
Lance talked to his doctors about his treatment and hoped that they could use drugs that wouldntt destroy his muscles or hurt his chance of returning to cycling someday.
4) 結果成功
Finally, the whole therapy was over. The early tests were promising. After deep thought, he decided to start training again. He wanted to return for the 1998 season.
More than that, he became the championship in Tour-de-France for the next seven years.
以上就是這篇關于Lance Armstrong的SAT作文例子的全部內容,文中對這個例子的轉折部分和細節的描寫部分非常到位。這是一個比較萬能的例子,大家可以在備考相關的SAT作文話題的時候,進行適當的改編和應用。
下面是一篇關于七屆環法自行車賽冠軍Lance Armstrong的SAT作文例子,在這篇SAT作文例子中,介紹了這位冠軍生平的性格轉變,和因此而得到的成功的事。下面我們一起來看看這篇SAT作文例子的詳細內容吧。
整個SAT作文例子的邏輯鏈是:曾經的Lance 很頑固,不聽任何人的建議后來得了癌癥改變自己的性格,變得比較cooperative最后戰勝癌癥,取得環法冠軍。
1) 曾經的性格
He was stubborn. He didnt understand the strategy of holding a little energy in reserve.
First race: 1990 Amateur World Championship in Japan. The race, held on a very hot day, was 115 miles long with a difficult uphill section. Chris wanted Lance to draft--- to stay behind other riders and save some energy for the end of the race. But Lance didnt listen to his coach. He was overconfident and quickly pedaled to a big lead. The lead grew to almost 90 seconds, but Lance was exhausting himself. He got tired and slowed down. His lead fell to a minute, than to 30 seconds. Soon the peloton had caught him. Lance couldnt mount a charge at the end. Hed to draft with him. By being selfish, Lance was isolating him.
2) 得癌癥
At the age 25, the doctor Reeves said that he suffered testicular cancer. The cancer had spread from his testicle to his lungs.
3) 如何轉變性格
Surgery to remove his testicle, three hours, success. Next three months, he need a powerful chemotherapy,, a kind of cancer treatment that can be very hard on the patient.
Lance talked to his doctors about his treatment and hoped that they could use drugs that wouldntt destroy his muscles or hurt his chance of returning to cycling someday.
4) 結果成功
Finally, the whole therapy was over. The early tests were promising. After deep thought, he decided to start training again. He wanted to return for the 1998 season.
More than that, he became the championship in Tour-de-France for the next seven years.
以上就是這篇關于Lance Armstrong的SAT作文例子的全部內容,文中對這個例子的轉折部分和細節的描寫部分非常到位。這是一個比較萬能的例子,大家可以在備考相關的SAT作文話題的時候,進行適當的改編和應用。