59.The manager tried to wave aside these issues as _________ details that would be settled later.
A.versatile (versatility (人)多才多藝 (機器)用途廣泛
B.trivial 瑣碎的 不重要的
C.perliminary 預備性的
D.alternate adj 更換的 輪替的(alternative)復習
60.His ________ was telling him that something was wrong.
A.inuition 壞事情將發生的直覺
B.hypothesis 假設(推測)(對事務和未知理念的推測和假設)哲學用詞
C.inspiration (inspire/inspiration/inspirational/stimulation/stimulus/motivate/motivation/incentive 壞的誘惑)
D.sentiment 情緒:受情緒影響(sentimental 煽情的)
61.This book is about how these basic beliefs and values affect important _________ of American lige.
A.fashions 加了s 表示時尚
B.frontiers 前線 前沿
C.facets 寶石的刻面,事務的不同方向
D.formats 格式公式