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  13Many of the worlds lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct.


  1、需要保護,語言是重要文化遺產,distinctive culture heritage individual identity; extinction of language results in diminished sense of prid e, dignity and self-worth continental Europe, many people cling tenaciously to their language French Cadanians insist on French as their official language, to preserve the distinct culture heritage

  2 、隨著全球化發展,英語成為主導,拉近各國、各族之間的距離,這樣保護少數語言就有阻礙作用了 language homogenization shorten the distance between ,bring... Internet adopt english as the official language impede cross-cultural communicati on; misunderstanding; distrust; from the pragmatism point of view, language is ju st symbol of meaning an d ideas. Almost all the language have the same function

  3、要保護 dying language 政府需要花費大量資源,對于貧困國家來說意義不大 according to the theory of natural selection in the realm of language similar to the domain of ecology, we can conclude that there is no need for government to sp end too much time and energy to save them for it is an useless effort against the language evolution itself. In the remote mountainous areas of China can we find the Kejia villages with Kejia villagers whose language Kejia dialect is. With the complicated structures and the confused pronunciations, the in trinsic function of Kejia dialect can not be fulfilled in modern society for it will take a lot of time for outsiders to understand, let along use it to communicate with Kejia people . With fewer and fewer people using it, this dialect is on the brink of extinction now. When it comes to whether govern ment should act to preserve it, several questions should be answered in advance: Is it an advanced language tool or it has already been outdated? How much value can we obtain from the language? Does it promote or block the cultural development?

  deploy limited resouces to fight a losing battle



  1 世界上的少數語言正在消亡。由于全球化加劇,由于各國統一語言,一些少數民族的語言甚至方言正在消失。比如美國的印第安語,澳洲土著的語言。

  2 任何地區的方言是這個地區的重要的文化遺產,對研究地區的歷史文化有著重要的意義,因此國家應該采取措施保護。比如說:非洲部落的中口頭流傳的民間故事可以幫助考古學家尋找失落的古文明。

  3 同時作為這些語言的擁有者,也應當自覺主動地從個人做起保護和繼承其語言。

  世界上鮮為人知的語言的確是在遭受滅頂之災。在國際上,隨著全球化的發展,很多殖民地國家開始放棄自己的土語aboriginal ,轉而學習英語或者法語;另一方面,語言是交流的工具,如果原來的語言不再被廣泛適用,慢慢便會消失


  語言是一個民族的象征,也是一個民族文化最基本的元素,政府應該保護民族的語言,這樣有利于保護民族文化,人類財富wealth。 任何地區的方言是這個地區的重要的文化遺產,對研究地區的歷史文化有著重要的意義,因此國家應該采取措施保護。比如說:非洲部落的中口頭流傳的民間故事可以幫助考古學家尋找失落的古文明。國家應該在這些地區開設和本地語言有關的課程,鼓勵人們學自己的語言,同時也應該出版一些這些語言的出版物,如圖書,報紙,廣播等。比如在中國,為了保護藏 Tibet 文化,政府在當地開設了藏語文化科課,而且有很多藏語出版物,這樣就有助于保護這門語言。

  【題目】Many of the worlds lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct.



  Some countries should take actions to prevent there languages that are facing extinct from dying out.So does the people themselves who own the languages.








  一、語言的重要性,小語種被全球化 encroach,應該保留;但全球化的語言 prevalence 又很必要 international communication ,因此政府只需支持少數 scientists 去研究,尤其在資源有限時,不用可以追求數量

  二、語言是 carrier,其本身也是寶藏 not only are languages carriers of human history, but also they themselves are treasures of human beings.

  1.失去語言就失去了通往一個祖先努力、長期建立的文明的 access

  2.歷史資料 必須語言解讀, 除非找到 hints Rosetta Stone

  3.evidence of humans intelligence, differing from other species, 應該被value

  三、同化使多樣性消失 assimilation that jeopardizes the diversity of languages and cultures emerges with colonialism in the past or with globalization at present.

  1.以前是殖民地時期,被逼,Daudet, the last lesson, Prussia

  2. 現在是全球化

  四、但通用語言確實有好處 we do need a uniform language to communicate and to learn from the strong in the worldwide environment.

  1.世界上最先進的技術、知識用英語表達,計算機 adopt English as its official language ,國際會議 stipulate English presentation, meeting paper

  2. 如果不學習等于固步自封,tunnel vision ,尤其是小語種國家都比較窮

  五、所以最好的辦法是政府資助小部分科學家學習、研究 the best way for government, considering both the importance of language and the necessity of using an international language, is to protect lesser-known languages by supporting a fe w experts to learn and research them.

  1.有限的資源,還有更 pressing的問題

  2.日常不需要,不需要大規模的學,把重心從數量上轉移到 the researching application ,比如某語言只有在研究非洲某部落的文明時才有用。

  六、結論:practicality and limited reso urces, striking a balance

  13T Many of the worlds lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct.


  When retrospecting development of recent history, we may find many languages of the world are becoming extinct.

 ?、?需要保護。正面說:代表了一個民族的文化和歷史,能夠從中吸取到一些精華。反面說:當一種語言消滅時,倚賴其的文化也會消亡。With the disappearing of native language, at the same time, native culture constructed on the language is perishing.

 ?、?但語言的消亡是正?,F象。就如在適者生存一樣,當不適應社會發展時,就會自然被淘汰。如:許多原住民的 aboriginal 語言 隨著全球化被英語取代

  ③ 政府所關注的不應該是由多少人使用這個語言。有價值的語言應該由政府撥款給學者或博物館進行研究保存。

  With the development of globalization, increasing cooperation within countries brings each country both prosperities especially in science and technology, and impact on culture.


  13Many of the worlds lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct.


  1、需要保護,語言是重要文化遺產,distinctive culture heritage individual identity; extinction of language results in diminished sense of prid e, dignity and self-worth continental Europe, many people cling tenaciously to their language French Cadanians insist on French as their official language, to preserve the distinct culture heritage

  2 、隨著全球化發展,英語成為主導,拉近各國、各族之間的距離,這樣保護少數語言就有阻礙作用了 language homogenization shorten the distance between ,bring... Internet adopt english as the official language impede cross-cultural communicati on; misunderstanding; distrust; from the pragmatism point of view, language is ju st symbol of meaning an d ideas. Almost all the language have the same function

  3、要保護 dying language 政府需要花費大量資源,對于貧困國家來說意義不大 according to the theory of natural selection in the realm of language similar to the domain of ecology, we can conclude that there is no need for government to sp end too much time and energy to save them for it is an useless effort against the language evolution itself. In the remote mountainous areas of China can we find the Kejia villages with Kejia villagers whose language Kejia dialect is. With the complicated structures and the confused pronunciations, the in trinsic function of Kejia dialect can not be fulfilled in modern society for it will take a lot of time for outsiders to understand, let along use it to communicate with Kejia people . With fewer and fewer people using it, this dialect is on the brink of extinction now. When it comes to whether govern ment should act to preserve it, several questions should be answered in advance: Is it an advanced language tool or it has already been outdated? How much value can we obtain from the language? Does it promote or block the cultural development?

  deploy limited resouces to fight a losing battle



  1 世界上的少數語言正在消亡。由于全球化加劇,由于各國統一語言,一些少數民族的語言甚至方言正在消失。比如美國的印第安語,澳洲土著的語言。

  2 任何地區的方言是這個地區的重要的文化遺產,對研究地區的歷史文化有著重要的意義,因此國家應該采取措施保護。比如說:非洲部落的中口頭流傳的民間故事可以幫助考古學家尋找失落的古文明。

  3 同時作為這些語言的擁有者,也應當自覺主動地從個人做起保護和繼承其語言。

  世界上鮮為人知的語言的確是在遭受滅頂之災。在國際上,隨著全球化的發展,很多殖民地國家開始放棄自己的土語aboriginal ,轉而學習英語或者法語;另一方面,語言是交流的工具,如果原來的語言不再被廣泛適用,慢慢便會消失


  語言是一個民族的象征,也是一個民族文化最基本的元素,政府應該保護民族的語言,這樣有利于保護民族文化,人類財富wealth。 任何地區的方言是這個地區的重要的文化遺產,對研究地區的歷史文化有著重要的意義,因此國家應該采取措施保護。比如說:非洲部落的中口頭流傳的民間故事可以幫助考古學家尋找失落的古文明。國家應該在這些地區開設和本地語言有關的課程,鼓勵人們學自己的語言,同時也應該出版一些這些語言的出版物,如圖書,報紙,廣播等。比如在中國,為了保護藏 Tibet 文化,政府在當地開設了藏語文化科課,而且有很多藏語出版物,這樣就有助于保護這門語言。

  【題目】Many of the worlds lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct.



  Some countries should take actions to prevent there languages that are facing extinct from dying out.So does the people themselves who own the languages.








  一、語言的重要性,小語種被全球化 encroach,應該保留;但全球化的語言 prevalence 又很必要 international communication ,因此政府只需支持少數 scientists 去研究,尤其在資源有限時,不用可以追求數量

  二、語言是 carrier,其本身也是寶藏 not only are languages carriers of human history, but also they themselves are treasures of human beings.

  1.失去語言就失去了通往一個祖先努力、長期建立的文明的 access

  2.歷史資料 必須語言解讀, 除非找到 hints Rosetta Stone

  3.evidence of humans intelligence, differing from other species, 應該被value

  三、同化使多樣性消失 assimilation that jeopardizes the diversity of languages and cultures emerges with colonialism in the past or with globalization at present.

  1.以前是殖民地時期,被逼,Daudet, the last lesson, Prussia

  2. 現在是全球化

  四、但通用語言確實有好處 we do need a uniform language to communicate and to learn from the strong in the worldwide environment.

  1.世界上最先進的技術、知識用英語表達,計算機 adopt English as its official language ,國際會議 stipulate English presentation, meeting paper

  2. 如果不學習等于固步自封,tunnel vision ,尤其是小語種國家都比較窮

  五、所以最好的辦法是政府資助小部分科學家學習、研究 the best way for government, considering both the importance of language and the necessity of using an international language, is to protect lesser-known languages by supporting a fe w experts to learn and research them.

  1.有限的資源,還有更 pressing的問題

  2.日常不需要,不需要大規模的學,把重心從數量上轉移到 the researching application ,比如某語言只有在研究非洲某部落的文明時才有用。

  六、結論:practicality and limited reso urces, striking a balance

  13T Many of the worlds lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct.


  When retrospecting development of recent history, we may find many languages of the world are becoming extinct.

  ① 需要保護。正面說:代表了一個民族的文化和歷史,能夠從中吸取到一些精華。反面說:當一種語言消滅時,倚賴其的文化也會消亡。With the disappearing of native language, at the same time, native culture constructed on the language is perishing.

 ?、?但語言的消亡是正?,F象。就如在適者生存一樣,當不適應社會發展時,就會自然被淘汰。如:許多原住民的 aboriginal 語言 隨著全球化被英語取代


  With the development of globalization, increasing cooperation within countries brings each country both prosperities especially in science and technology, and impact on culture.


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