有過網購經驗的人大概都聽說過淘寶上的“刷單軍團”。月銷量數千件、好評如潮、信譽五星的商家不一定真的那么靠譜,因為這些都可能是花錢刷出來的。在英語里,這種刷單、刷信譽的行為叫click farming,刷單軍團就是click farm。
Click farm is an organized group of low-paid workers employed to click on particular parts of web pages, especially approval buttons in social media as a way of making businesses seem popular.
Click farm指有組織地雇傭一批低報酬工人專門點擊網頁上的某個部分,多數為社交網站上的“贊”或“喜歡”按鈕,以使該頁面上的交易看上去很有受歡迎,其實就是我們所說的“刷信譽團體”。
Research suggests that over a third of consumers regularly check ratings and reviews before they choose to buy something online. The growing significance of this virtual seal of approval for enhancing sales has, it seems, unleashed a rather unscrupulous business activity. Rather than having to wait for users to register their approval of your products and services, why not simply buy a whole shed-load of 'likes' and instantly demonstrate your popularity? To do this, you employ the services of a click farm.
Hundreds of companies have sprung up in the last couple of years specializing in click farming, delivering bundles of online approval to businesses requiring a quick and dirty way to boost their popularity.
有過網購經驗的人大概都聽說過淘寶上的“刷單軍團”。月銷量數千件、好評如潮、信譽五星的商家不一定真的那么靠譜,因為這些都可能是花錢刷出來的。在英語里,這種刷單、刷信譽的行為叫click farming,刷單軍團就是click farm。
Click farm is an organized group of low-paid workers employed to click on particular parts of web pages, especially approval buttons in social media as a way of making businesses seem popular.
Click farm指有組織地雇傭一批低報酬工人專門點擊網頁上的某個部分,多數為社交網站上的“贊”或“喜歡”按鈕,以使該頁面上的交易看上去很有受歡迎,其實就是我們所說的“刷信譽團體”。
Research suggests that over a third of consumers regularly check ratings and reviews before they choose to buy something online. The growing significance of this virtual seal of approval for enhancing sales has, it seems, unleashed a rather unscrupulous business activity. Rather than having to wait for users to register their approval of your products and services, why not simply buy a whole shed-load of 'likes' and instantly demonstrate your popularity? To do this, you employ the services of a click farm.
Hundreds of companies have sprung up in the last couple of years specializing in click farming, delivering bundles of online approval to businesses requiring a quick and dirty way to boost their popularity.