China has launched dispute settlement procedures at the World Trade Organization (WTO) by requesting consultations with the United States and the European Union (EU) regarding the surrogate country approach when calculating anti-dumping measures against Chinese exports, the Ministry of Commerce said Monday.
“替代國”做法(the surrogate country approach)指世貿組織成員國在計算反傾銷稅(anti-dumping duty)幅度時,如果認定商品的出口國為非市場經濟國家(non-market economy),則引用與出口國經濟發展水平大致相當的第三方市場經濟國家,即替代國(surrogate country)的成本等數據計算正常價值并進而確定傾銷幅度,施以對應的征稅措施。
Surrogate的基本意思是“代理,代替”,可以用作名詞、形容詞和動詞,是一個多功能詞匯,比如,這幾年多次引發公眾討論的“代孕媽媽”就是surrogate mother,口語中也可以簡單用surrogate表示。代孕這個行為就是surrogacy,某地因為“盛產”代孕媽媽而出現的“代孕旅游”熱潮就可以用surrogacy tourism表示。
In accordance with Article 15 of the accession protocol signed when China joined the WTO in 2001, the surrogate country approach expires on December 11, 2024.
11月,美國商務部長Penny Pritzker表示,美國承認中國市場經濟地位(market economy status)的時機尚未成熟(the time is not ripe),暗示會繼續之前的反傾銷措施。
歐盟委員會(the European Commission)則為其反傾銷和反補貼措施(anti-dumping and anti-subsidy calculations)提出一個新說法:市場扭曲(market distortion)。歐盟委員會表示,通常來說,涉及世貿組織成員的傾銷案中,標準的參考值是國內價格。不過,如果有影響國內價格的“嚴重市場扭曲”,調查員可以使用國際基準價格(international prices and cost reference)。
商務部部長高虎城12月12日在《人民日報》發表署名文章“堅決捍衛合法權利 維護多邊貿易體制”。
China's lawful rights must be protected. China will firmly defend its lawful rights and reserves the right of further action.
Protecting the seriousness of rules and obligations, as well as the authority of the multilateral trade mechanism is a shared duty of all WTO members and is in line with their common interests.
China urges all WTO members to keep their commitment, comply with international laws and fulfill their obligations.
China is willing to work with other WTO members to fight trade protectionism, protect multilateral trade mechanism, revive trade and investment as world economic engines, and build an open global economy that is more dynamic, more inclusive and more sustainable.
China has launched dispute settlement procedures at the World Trade Organization (WTO) by requesting consultations with the United States and the European Union (EU) regarding the surrogate country approach when calculating anti-dumping measures against Chinese exports, the Ministry of Commerce said Monday.
“替代國”做法(the surrogate country approach)指世貿組織成員國在計算反傾銷稅(anti-dumping duty)幅度時,如果認定商品的出口國為非市場經濟國家(non-market economy),則引用與出口國經濟發展水平大致相當的第三方市場經濟國家,即替代國(surrogate country)的成本等數據計算正常價值并進而確定傾銷幅度,施以對應的征稅措施。
Surrogate的基本意思是“代理,代替”,可以用作名詞、形容詞和動詞,是一個多功能詞匯,比如,這幾年多次引發公眾討論的“代孕媽媽”就是surrogate mother,口語中也可以簡單用surrogate表示。代孕這個行為就是surrogacy,某地因為“盛產”代孕媽媽而出現的“代孕旅游”熱潮就可以用surrogacy tourism表示。
In accordance with Article 15 of the accession protocol signed when China joined the WTO in 2001, the surrogate country approach expires on December 11, 2024.
11月,美國商務部長Penny Pritzker表示,美國承認中國市場經濟地位(market economy status)的時機尚未成熟(the time is not ripe),暗示會繼續之前的反傾銷措施。
歐盟委員會(the European Commission)則為其反傾銷和反補貼措施(anti-dumping and anti-subsidy calculations)提出一個新說法:市場扭曲(market distortion)。歐盟委員會表示,通常來說,涉及世貿組織成員的傾銷案中,標準的參考值是國內價格。不過,如果有影響國內價格的“嚴重市場扭曲”,調查員可以使用國際基準價格(international prices and cost reference)。
商務部部長高虎城12月12日在《人民日報》發表署名文章“堅決捍衛合法權利 維護多邊貿易體制”。
China's lawful rights must be protected. China will firmly defend its lawful rights and reserves the right of further action.
Protecting the seriousness of rules and obligations, as well as the authority of the multilateral trade mechanism is a shared duty of all WTO members and is in line with their common interests.
China urges all WTO members to keep their commitment, comply with international laws and fulfill their obligations.
China is willing to work with other WTO members to fight trade protectionism, protect multilateral trade mechanism, revive trade and investment as world economic engines, and build an open global economy that is more dynamic, more inclusive and more sustainable.