
2024屆高考英語1輪復習牛津譯林江蘇專版課件:M9 Unit 2《Witnessing time》

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2024屆高考英語1輪復習牛津譯林江蘇專版課件:M9 Unit 2《Witnessing time》

  Four eyes see more than two. 集思廣益。 He is not laughed at that laughs at himself first. 自嘲者不會讓人見笑。 It is hard to please all. 眾口難調。 Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子。 Jack of all trades and master of none. 門門精通,樣樣稀松。 Learn to walk before you run. 先學走,再學跑。 Love me, love my dog. 愛屋及烏。 Many hands make light work. 眾人拾柴火焰高。 Misfortunes never come alone. 禍不單行。 No news is good news. 沒有消息就是好消息。 16.自然 Far water does not put out near fire. 遠水救不了近火。 Fire and water have no mercy. 水火無情。 It is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水難收。 It takes three generations to make a gentleman. 十年樹木,百年樹人。 Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there. 無心插柳柳成蔭。 One swallow does not make a summer. 一燕不成夏。 Still water runs deep. 靜水流深。 Tall trees catch much wind. 樹大招風。 The devil knows many things because he is old. 老馬識途。 The fox preys farthest from home. 兔子不吃窩邊草。 The frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean. 坐井觀天。 The grass is greener on the other side. 這山望著那山高。 7.勵志 Never say die. 永不言敗。 Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。 He laughs best who laughs last. 誰笑到最后,誰笑得最好。 Never too old to learn, never too late to turn. 亡羊補牢,為時未晚。 No man is born wise or learned. 沒有生而知之者。 He is lifeless that is faultless. 只有死人才不犯錯誤。 Happy is the man who learns from the misfortunes of others. 吸取他人教訓,自己才會走運。 No pains, no gains. 沒有付出就沒有收獲。 No sweet without sweat. 先苦后甜。 Well begun is half done. 好的開始,是成功的一半。 Nothing brave, nothing have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. 世上無難事,只怕有心人。 Nothing seek, nothing find. 沒有追求就沒有收獲。 Great hopes make great man. 偉大的抱負造就偉大的人物。 The fire is the test of gold, adversity of strong man. 烈火驗真金,艱難磨意志。 God helps those who help themselves. 自助者天助。 8.其他 Justice has long arms. 天網恢恢,疏而不漏。 Kill two birds with one stone. 一箭雙雕。 Make hay while the sun shines. 良機勿失。 Two heads are better than one. 三個臭皮匠,賽過諸葛亮。 Never judge a man by his appearance. 不可以貌取人。 The best hearts are always the bravest. 無私者無畏。 The pot calls the kettle black. 五十步笑百步。 The cat shuts its eyes when stealing. 掩耳盜鈴。 Good health is over wealth. 健康是最大的財富。 Good medicine for health tastes bitter to the mouth. 良藥苦口利于病。 Health is happiness. 健康就是幸福。 Honesty is the best policy. 做人誠信為本。 1. — Linda didn't invite us to the party.

  — ______? I don't care.(2011?江蘇)

  A. For what

  B. So what

  C. What's on

  D. What's up B 考查對某事的反應。for what 為什么; so what 那又怎么樣; what's on 在展覽什么,在播放什么; what's up 發生什么事了,怎么了。句意:——琳達沒邀請我們去參加聚會。——那又怎樣?我不在乎。從上下文的語氣看,so what 最為適合此處的語境。 2. — So you gave her your phone? — ______, she said she'd return it to me when she could afford her own.(2011?全國大綱卷) A. My pleasure

  B. Not exactly C. No doubt

  D. All right 1

  B 考查否定對方的回答。not exactly 意為“不完全是”,用于委婉地否定對方的話,符合此處的語境;my pleasure 不客氣,用于回答別人的感謝; no doubt 毫無疑問,表示肯定對方;all right 相當于OK,表示接受或答應。 3 . — I know he is right, but I can't stand his saying so.

  — Oh, he is straightforward, but ______. (2011?東


  A. a good medicine tastes bitter

  B. actions speak louder than words

  C. a faithful friend is hard to find

  D. bad luck often brings good luck 1

  A 考查諺語意義。A項,良藥苦口;B項,行動勝于空談;事實勝于雄辯;C項,知音難覓;益友難得;D項,塞翁失馬安知非福。句意:—— 我知道他是對的,但我就是受不了他那樣說。—— 哦,良藥苦口(利于病)嘛。 ①引子,即開頭——引論。用以引出令人關注的問題。 ②正文,即主體——本論。是全文的主要部分,是對提出的問題進行分析、推理,運用材料對論點進行論證,使論點得到足夠的支持。 ③結束語,即結尾——結論。對正文部分的內容作出概括,明確論點所要解決的問題。 (2)議論文的一般結構 議論文一般有引子、正文和結束語3個部分。

  議論文的主要表達方式當然是議論,但有時也要運用說明、敘述、描寫等手法。議論文中的說明常為議論的開展創造條件,或者是議論的補充;議論文中的記敘和描寫是為論點提供根據的。因此,敘述是概括的,描寫是簡要的。 2. 寫作模板 模板1:常用模式 第一段:引言,提出話題或綜述現象。例如:As too much use of… caused…our government encourages us to… 第二段:議論主體,分析原因或評述現象。例如:These bags are…, Besides, they can… 第三段:得出結論,闡明觀點或總結論證。例如:I believe that… This is one of the many steps we are to take… 模板2:論述原因 It is well-known that ______ (現狀). What impressed us most is ______. It is true that______ (進一步說明某現狀). Why does such circumstance occur? The main reason is ______ (原因一). Besides, ______ (原因二). Thirdly, since ______, it is natural that ______ (原因三). As a result, ______ (描述結果). Of course it is not easy to deal with the problem, but is worth trying. We should do something such as ______ (舉例)to improve the present situation, and maybe everything will be better in the future. 模板3:論述措施 Recently, more and more people are paying attention to the problem ______ (某現狀). First, ______ (產生的問題一). Second, ______ (產生的問題二). Clearly something must be done to smooth away the problem. I believe that the following measures are effective. First, ______ (措施一). Second, ______ (措施二). Finally, ______ (措施三). Obviously it takes time to solve such problem. However, if everyone takes an active part in it, ______ (可能出現的效果). 模板4:論述利弊 Now many people prefer to ______ (現象). It seems impossible for people to ______ (反述). Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows. First of all, ______ (優點一). What's more, ______ (優點二). But every coin has two sides. It also brings harm to people if we ______ (現象). One of the important disadvantages is that ______ (缺點一). To make matters worse, ______ (缺點二). From my point of view, it is hard to imagine a world without ______ (現象). But it doesn't help in everyway. Perhaps we should ______ (觀點一). At the same time we may ______ (觀點二). 3. 典例分析 (1)試題要求 以The Value of Time為題目,根據下面的提示寫一篇不少于150詞的短文。 提示: 1.時間比金錢更重要、寶貴,要珍惜時間; 2.時間對每個人來說是有限的,應充分利用大好時光為國家效力; 3.指出有些人沒有認識時間的價值; 4.養成良好的珍惜時間的好習慣,今日事今日畢。 (2)內容分析: 本篇書面表達是一篇議論文,談論對時間的看法。時間的討論應屬于各個時代人都熱衷的一個熱門話題。考生對該話題十分熟悉,且寫作提示中也詳細給出了寫作要點,故考生有話可說,寫作難度不大。 注意事項: ①注意從正反兩方面說明時間的重要性; ②關于珍惜時間的諺語不少,可考慮選擇使用,以增加文章的亮點; ③注意條理清晰,行文連貫。 (3)佳作賞析

  As the saying goes, time is gold. Money can't buy time. It means that time is really more important and precious than money. If gone, time will never come back again. So we must all value time.

  Nobody can live forever. Therefore, we ought to make our limited time meaningful. As students, in order to contribute to serving our motherland and society in the future, we should all spare no efforts to study hard. done today.

  However, there're still some people unaware of the importance of time. They waste their precious time in meaningless things such as playing boring games, smoking and drinking.

  To conclude, we should try to get into the habit of treasuring time. Don't postpone till tomorrow what should be done today.


  作者以諺語開頭,引出時間更勝于金錢這一主題,進而說明我們應該珍惜時間。再以however轉折說明有些人不能認識到時間的重要性這一不良現象,最后總結說明我們應該養成珍惜時間的習慣,今日事今日畢。全文行文自然,過渡詞therefore, however, to conclude等運用貼切,spare no efforts, postpone及復合賓語等高級詞匯和結構的使用更是為文章增加了亮點。 仔細觀察下面兩幅圖畫,運用合理的想象和推理,用英語寫一篇短文。 注意:短文應包括兩幅圖畫的內容,詞數不少于150。 One possible version:

  In the above pictures, a young woman happily eats bananas and throws the peels on the street, not realizing that such actions not only pollute the environment but also pose a danger to others. Then a disabled man struggles to pick up the peels and put them into the dustbin.

  Despite the girl's youth and beauty, it is the disabled man who is truly beautiful. True beauty comes from one's actions rather than one's appearance. While most of us enjoy pretty appearances, it is more important to foster a clean and beautiful mind. Only such minds can create a beautiful society. Chinese traditionally greatly value the virtues of modesty, generosity,broadmindedness, and politeness. After all, beauty of the mind is superior to that of the body.

  英語交際用語主要考查對英語知識的理解和語言應用能力,對中西方文化差異的掌握情況及對英語的使用和駕馭能力,近幾年江蘇高考也逐漸加大了交際用語的考查力度,每年必考。該類試題體現了以情景為條件,以對話為主要表達形式,而且既短小又靈活,前言后語連接緊湊,答語多呈現省略等特點,這就增加了答案的隱蔽性,給考生解題帶來了難度。考查的方式以應答為主,提問為輔,以跨文化交際中差異明顯的交際項目為重點考查對象。 交際用語和諺語

  諺語是洋溢著文化氣息的哲理性語言,是智慧的結晶。高考英語試題中的諺語通常與情景對話題、交際用語題、完形填空題、閱讀理解等題型結合,用來提供情景或點明觀點主旨。在寫作中,如果考生能夠運用幾句諺語表達,會更提升作文層次,英語諺語文字精練、表達生動、情景性強,因此常用在情景交際題中作為試題背景。 情景交際解題要注意“四忌”: 一忌上詞下用。“上詞下用”指的是答語部分沿用了題干句子的重點詞、信息詞,表面看似合理,但往往出錯。如用I don't.回答Don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.再如:I wonder if I could use your telephone.答語可為Of course you can.注意不可用could。 1二忌中文思維。 — Thank you so much for the book you sent me. — Please don't say so. (正確答語為I'm glad you like it.) 三忌直接回絕。這主要指在對方要求得到幫助,提出請求或邀請時,過于直接,不符合英語國家的交際習慣。 — Can I use your bike? — No. I don't like to lend it to you. (正確答語為:Sorry, but I'm using it.) 四忌答非所問。如With pleasure.和It's a pleasure.的區分,前者一般在事前回答,表示“沒問題,非常愿意。”后者一般在事后回答,表示“不必感謝,不客氣。” — I'm sorry I broke your mirror. — Oh, really? It's OK with me. (正確答語為It doesn't matter./It's all right.) 常見諺語 1.時間 Time is money. 時間就是金錢或一寸光陰一寸金。 Time flies. 光陰似箭,日月如梭。 Time has wings. 光陰去如飛。 Time is a file that wears and makes no noise. 光陰如銼,細磨無聲。 Time and I against any two. 和時間攜起手來,一人抵兩人。 Time and tide wait for no man. 歲月不待人。 Time cannot be won again. 時間一去不再來。 Strike while the iron is hot. 趁熱打鐵。 Time is, time was, and time is past. 現在有時間,過去有時間,時間一去不復返。 Time lost can not be recalled. 光陰一去不復返。 Time flies like an arrow, and time lost never returns. 光陰似箭,一去不返。 Time tries truth. 時間檢驗真理。 Time is the father of truth. 時間是真理之父。 2.哲理 Lookers-on see more than the players.

  當局者迷,旁觀者清。 Fact speaks louder than words. 事實勝于雄辯。 Fields have eyes, and woods have ears. 隔墻有耳。 Fool's haste is no speed. 欲速則不達。 Forbidden fruit is sweet. 禁果格外香。 Give a dog a bad name and hang him. 眾口鑠金,積毀銷骨。 Great minds think alike. 英雄所見略同。 Great trees are good for nothing but shade. 大樹底下好乘涼。 Hear all parties. 兼聽則明。 Fortune knocks once at least at every man's gate. 風水輪流轉。 He knows most who speaks least. 大智若愚。 Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. 抱最大的希望,做最壞的打算。 One false move may lose the game. 一著不慎,滿盤皆輸。 Think twice before you do. 三思而后行。 3.知識與勤奮 Knowledge is power. 知識就是力量。 Failure is the mother of success. 失敗是成功之母。 Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鳥兒有蟲吃。 Fear always springs from ignorance. 恐懼源于無知。 Reading enriches the mind.

  開卷有益。 Rome was not built in a day.

  冰凍三尺,非一日之寒。 Genius is nothing but labor and diligence. 天才不過是勤奮而已。 He who makes no mistakes makes nothing. 想不犯錯誤,就一事無成。 If you want knowledge, you must toil for it. 要想求知,就得吃苦。 Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand. 胸中有知識,勝于手中有錢。 Industry is the parent of success. 勤奮是成功之母。 It is never too old to learn. 活到老,學到老。 A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 淺學誤人。 Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud. 博學使人謙遜,無知使人驕傲。 4.友誼 Life without a friend is death. 沒有朋友,雖生猶死。 Old friends and old wines are best. 陳酒味醇,老友情深。 Friends are thieves of time. 朋友是時間的竊賊。 Happiness takes no account of time. 歡樂不覺時光過。 He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs. 背后說好話,才是真朋友。 Time tries friends as fire tries gold. 時間考驗朋友,烈火考驗黃金。 5.生活 First come, first served. 先來后到。 Take things as they come. 既來之,則安之。 First impressions are half the battle. 初次見面,印象最深。 Fortune favors those who use their judgement. 機遇偏愛善斷之人。 Unit 2

  Witnessing time 1、appoint vt. 任命,委派;確定,指定; 約定

  appoint sb. (to be)/as… 任命,委派……為……  appoint sb. to do sth. 派某人做……  appoint sb. to a post 派某人任某職  appoint a time/date/place for… 為……確定時間/日期/地點  appoint that sb. should do sth.命令某人做…… ◆They appointed him to be/as manager.

  他們任命他為經理。 ◆Let's appoint a time for the meeting.

  我們約定開會時間吧。 ◆The head appointed that the work should be finished in two days.

  主任下令這項工作必須在兩天之內完成。 ◆Ten minutes before the appointed time (= the arranged time), he sat nervously outside her office.

  在約定的時間前10分鐘,他緊張地坐在她的辦公室外面。 appointment

  n. 約定 make/have an appointment with sb. 和某人有一個約會 keep an appointment 守約 break an appointment 失約

  ①It doesn't make any sense for the Prime Minister to ______ a banker to this post.

  A. choose

  B. elect

  C. appoint

  D. select ①C ②We must ________ (指派) a new teacher at once to the mountain school.  ②appoint ③Would it be possible to make an early ________ (預約) to have my hair cut tomorrow?  ③appointment 2、 stress vt. 強調 n. 強調,重要性;壓力 ◆The English teacher stressed the importance of reading aloud.

  英語老師強調了朗讀的重要性。 ◆He stressed that we should always be honest.

  他強調我們應該永遠誠實。 ◆Some students are completely struck down by the stresses of examinations.

  有些學生被考試的壓力完全壓垮了。 ①My parents lay/put/place great stress on honesty. 漢譯英 ①我的父母十分注重誠實。 ___________________________________________  ②As we have stressed ② (正如我們強調的那樣) many times, “serve the people” is our first policy. 3、辨析raise, keep, support, feed (1)raise意為“撫養(指人);飼養(禽畜等動物)”。 (2)keep表示“養活(指人);飼養(禽畜等動物)”。 (3)support意為“養活”,不用于飼養動物。 (4)feed意為“喂養;飼養;以……為食”。 ◆He raised the children himself; his wife died years ago. 他的妻子多年前就去世了,他一手把孩子拉扯大。 ◆He raised those goats from new-born kids. 那些山羊從小羊羔時就是他喂養的。 ◆John has his wife and six children to keep/support. 約翰要養活妻子和6個孩子。 ◆He has a large family to support. 他要養活一大家子。 ◆She fed meat to her dog. =She fed her dog with / on meat. 她用肉喂狗。 ◆Foxes feed on small animals. 狐貍以小動物為食。 4、 particular adj. 特殊的,獨特的;挑剔的 n. 細節,詳細 ◆I have no particular reason to suspect him. 我沒有特殊的理由去懷疑他。 ◆This fruit is particular to Africa. 這種水果是非洲所特有的。 ◆Maria is very particular about her dress. 瑪麗亞對穿著很挑剔。 ◆For particulars please contact our local office. 欲知詳情請咨詢我方駐地機構。 particularly adv. 特別地;顯著地 in particular特別地;尤其是 especially強調程度,“尤其,特別”,指有意突出到明顯或例外的程度。 specially強調目的,“專門地,特別地”,指為某個特別的目的而專門地做某事。 particularly強調獨特性或與眾不同,常指以不同的方式突出某一事物的個性或獨特之處。 ◆Our garden is beautiful, especially in fall. 我們的花園很美,尤其是在秋天。 ◆This car was specially designed for use in the desert. 這種汽車是專門為在沙漠里使用而設計的。 ◆This handbook is particularly useful for middle school students. 這本手冊對中學生而言特別有用。 ①C 句意:一些孩子對食物太挑剔了,這對他們的成長不利。此處particular表示“挑剔的”。其余3項與后半句不符。

  ①Some children are too ______ about their food, which is bad for their growth.

  A. careful

  B. special

  C. particular

  D. curious

  ②B 句意:這些T恤通常是每件35美元,但今天他們在購物中心特價賣19美元。special price表示“特價”之義。而其他3個詞都不能表示“特價”之義,且價格通常不用cheap, expensive修飾,particular也不修飾價格。 ②Those T-shirts are usually $35 each, but today they have a ______ price of $19 in the Shopping Center.

  A. regular

  B. special

  C. cheap

  D. particular

  5、 apparent

  adj. 明顯的,顯而易見的;明白無誤的 ◆It was apparent/evident/obvious/clear that he was in no condition to travel.


  ◆His guilt is apparent.

  他罪惡昭彰。 1、 on behalf of

  代表某人;為某人;以某人的名義; 為了……的利益 ◆I am speaking on behalf of my class.

  我代表我們班級發言。 ◆On behalf of the company, I welcome you. 我謹代表公司歡迎你。 漢譯英 ①他代表全班接受了邀請。 ___________________________________________________________________ ①He accepted the invitation on behalf of the whole class. ②I am writing ______ my mother to express her thanks for your gift.

  A. in memory of

  B. on behalf of

  C. with respect to

  D. on account of ②B 代母致信感謝您的禮物。 2、in terms of 在……方面,就……而論 in one's terms 在某人看來 be on good / bad terms with… 和……關系好/不好 on the same terms 在同等條件下 come to terms with … 對……讓步,與……妥協 in the long term / run 就長期而言 term of office 任期 用in的短語填空 ①Kelly loved her husband in ______ of the fact he drank too much. ②The villagers went in ______ of the missing boy. ③In ______ of fire, break the glass. ④I'm all in ______ of people going out and enjoying themselves so long as they don't disturb others. ⑤In ______ of achievement, last week's ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned a low, though not failing, grade. ①spite  句意:雖然她丈夫喝酒很兇,凱莉仍然愛著他。 ②search

  句意:村民們都去尋找那個失蹤的男孩去了。 ③case 

  句意:萬一發生火災,打碎玻璃。 ④favor  句意:我完全支持人們出去好好玩一下,只要他們不打攪其他人。 ⑤terms  句意:就成就而言,上周舉行的WTO部長級會議雖然算不上失敗,但只取得了很小的成績。 The Western, or Roman alphabet, is a Greek invention, as is the marathon, a long distance race created in honor of a Greek soldier who ran from Marathon to Athens to report a victory at the Battle of Marathon in 490 BC. 西方字母表或羅馬字母表就是希臘人的發明,正如馬拉松賽跑一樣。馬拉松賽跑是一項長跑比賽,是為紀念一位希臘信使而命名的。公元前490年,他從馬拉松一直跑到雅典去報告馬拉松戰役的勝利。 本句包含5個層次。第一層:The Western or Roman alphabet is a Greek invention是主句,as is the marathon… 是as引導的非限制性定語從句;第二層:a long distance…是marathon的同位語,對其進行補充;第三層:created in honor of a Greek soldier…是過去分詞短語作定語,修飾a long distance race; 第四層:定語從句who ran from…修飾先行詞a Greek soldier; 第五層:to report a victory at the Battle of…是不定式短語作目的狀語,修飾前面的ran from… 怎樣寫好議論文 1.議論文的概述 議論文是以議論為主,通過擺事實、講道理的方法,對客觀事物進行評述或議論,以闡明作者的觀點和主張,說服別人,讓人信服。 (1)議論文的3要素 議論文必須含有論點、論據和論證3個要素。 ①論點是作者對所議論的問題所持的看法或主張; ②論據是用來證明論點的事實和道理,即證明論點的材料; ③論證是用論據來證明論點的推理過程和方法。 論證的種類有立論和駁論兩種。 立論是作者證明自己的論點正確; 駁論是作者證明別人的論點錯誤。

  Four eyes see more than two. 集思廣益。 He is not laughed at that laughs at himself first. 自嘲者不會讓人見笑。 It is hard to please all. 眾口難調。 Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子。 Jack of all trades and master of none. 門門精通,樣樣稀松。 Learn to walk before you run. 先學走,再學跑。 Love me, love my dog. 愛屋及烏。 Many hands make light work. 眾人拾柴火焰高。 Misfortunes never come alone. 禍不單行。 No news is good news. 沒有消息就是好消息。 16.自然 Far water does not put out near fire. 遠水救不了近火。 Fire and water have no mercy. 水火無情。 It is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水難收。 It takes three generations to make a gentleman. 十年樹木,百年樹人。 Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there. 無心插柳柳成蔭。 One swallow does not make a summer. 一燕不成夏。 Still water runs deep. 靜水流深。 Tall trees catch much wind. 樹大招風。 The devil knows many things because he is old. 老馬識途。 The fox preys farthest from home. 兔子不吃窩邊草。 The frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean. 坐井觀天。 The grass is greener on the other side. 這山望著那山高。 7.勵志 Never say die. 永不言敗。 Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。 He laughs best who laughs last. 誰笑到最后,誰笑得最好。 Never too old to learn, never too late to turn. 亡羊補牢,為時未晚。 No man is born wise or learned. 沒有生而知之者。 He is lifeless that is faultless. 只有死人才不犯錯誤。 Happy is the man who learns from the misfortunes of others. 吸取他人教訓,自己才會走運。 No pains, no gains. 沒有付出就沒有收獲。 No sweet without sweat. 先苦后甜。 Well begun is half done. 好的開始,是成功的一半。 Nothing brave, nothing have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. 世上無難事,只怕有心人。 Nothing seek, nothing find. 沒有追求就沒有收獲。 Great hopes make great man. 偉大的抱負造就偉大的人物。 The fire is the test of gold, adversity of strong man. 烈火驗真金,艱難磨意志。 God helps those who help themselves. 自助者天助。 8.其他 Justice has long arms. 天網恢恢,疏而不漏。 Kill two birds with one stone. 一箭雙雕。 Make hay while the sun shines. 良機勿失。 Two heads are better than one. 三個臭皮匠,賽過諸葛亮。 Never judge a man by his appearance. 不可以貌取人。 The best hearts are always the bravest. 無私者無畏。 The pot calls the kettle black. 五十步笑百步。 The cat shuts its eyes when stealing. 掩耳盜鈴。 Good health is over wealth. 健康是最大的財富。 Good medicine for health tastes bitter to the mouth. 良藥苦口利于病。 Health is happiness. 健康就是幸福。 Honesty is the best policy. 做人誠信為本。 1. — Linda didn't invite us to the party.

  — ______? I don't care.(2011?江蘇)

  A. For what

  B. So what

  C. What's on

  D. What's up B 考查對某事的反應。for what 為什么; so what 那又怎么樣; what's on 在展覽什么,在播放什么; what's up 發生什么事了,怎么了。句意:——琳達沒邀請我們去參加聚會。——那又怎樣?我不在乎。從上下文的語氣看,so what 最為適合此處的語境。 2. — So you gave her your phone? — ______, she said she'd return it to me when she could afford her own.(2011?全國大綱卷) A. My pleasure

  B. Not exactly C. No doubt

  D. All right 1

  B 考查否定對方的回答。not exactly 意為“不完全是”,用于委婉地否定對方的話,符合此處的語境;my pleasure 不客氣,用于回答別人的感謝; no doubt 毫無疑問,表示肯定對方;all right 相當于OK,表示接受或答應。 3 . — I know he is right, but I can't stand his saying so.

  — Oh, he is straightforward, but ______. (2011?東


  A. a good medicine tastes bitter

  B. actions speak louder than words

  C. a faithful friend is hard to find

  D. bad luck often brings good luck 1

  A 考查諺語意義。A項,良藥苦口;B項,行動勝于空談;事實勝于雄辯;C項,知音難覓;益友難得;D項,塞翁失馬安知非福。句意:—— 我知道他是對的,但我就是受不了他那樣說。—— 哦,良藥苦口(利于病)嘛。 ①引子,即開頭——引論。用以引出令人關注的問題。 ②正文,即主體——本論。是全文的主要部分,是對提出的問題進行分析、推理,運用材料對論點進行論證,使論點得到足夠的支持。 ③結束語,即結尾——結論。對正文部分的內容作出概括,明確論點所要解決的問題。 (2)議論文的一般結構 議論文一般有引子、正文和結束語3個部分。

  議論文的主要表達方式當然是議論,但有時也要運用說明、敘述、描寫等手法。議論文中的說明常為議論的開展創造條件,或者是議論的補充;議論文中的記敘和描寫是為論點提供根據的。因此,敘述是概括的,描寫是簡要的。 2. 寫作模板 模板1:常用模式 第一段:引言,提出話題或綜述現象。例如:As too much use of… caused…our government encourages us to… 第二段:議論主體,分析原因或評述現象。例如:These bags are…, Besides, they can… 第三段:得出結論,闡明觀點或總結論證。例如:I believe that… This is one of the many steps we are to take… 模板2:論述原因 It is well-known that ______ (現狀). What impressed us most is ______. It is true that______ (進一步說明某現狀). Why does such circumstance occur? The main reason is ______ (原因一). Besides, ______ (原因二). Thirdly, since ______, it is natural that ______ (原因三). As a result, ______ (描述結果). Of course it is not easy to deal with the problem, but is worth trying. We should do something such as ______ (舉例)to improve the present situation, and maybe everything will be better in the future. 模板3:論述措施 Recently, more and more people are paying attention to the problem ______ (某現狀). First, ______ (產生的問題一). Second, ______ (產生的問題二). Clearly something must be done to smooth away the problem. I believe that the following measures are effective. First, ______ (措施一). Second, ______ (措施二). Finally, ______ (措施三). Obviously it takes time to solve such problem. However, if everyone takes an active part in it, ______ (可能出現的效果). 模板4:論述利弊 Now many people prefer to ______ (現象). It seems impossible for people to ______ (反述). Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows. First of all, ______ (優點一). What's more, ______ (優點二). But every coin has two sides. It also brings harm to people if we ______ (現象). One of the important disadvantages is that ______ (缺點一). To make matters worse, ______ (缺點二). From my point of view, it is hard to imagine a world without ______ (現象). But it doesn't help in everyway. Perhaps we should ______ (觀點一). At the same time we may ______ (觀點二). 3. 典例分析 (1)試題要求 以The Value of Time為題目,根據下面的提示寫一篇不少于150詞的短文。 提示: 1.時間比金錢更重要、寶貴,要珍惜時間; 2.時間對每個人來說是有限的,應充分利用大好時光為國家效力; 3.指出有些人沒有認識時間的價值; 4.養成良好的珍惜時間的好習慣,今日事今日畢。 (2)內容分析: 本篇書面表達是一篇議論文,談論對時間的看法。時間的討論應屬于各個時代人都熱衷的一個熱門話題。考生對該話題十分熟悉,且寫作提示中也詳細給出了寫作要點,故考生有話可說,寫作難度不大。 注意事項: ①注意從正反兩方面說明時間的重要性; ②關于珍惜時間的諺語不少,可考慮選擇使用,以增加文章的亮點; ③注意條理清晰,行文連貫。 (3)佳作賞析

  As the saying goes, time is gold. Money can't buy time. It means that time is really more important and precious than money. If gone, time will never come back again. So we must all value time.

  Nobody can live forever. Therefore, we ought to make our limited time meaningful. As students, in order to contribute to serving our motherland and society in the future, we should all spare no efforts to study hard. done today.

  However, there're still some people unaware of the importance of time. They waste their precious time in meaningless things such as playing boring games, smoking and drinking.

  To conclude, we should try to get into the habit of treasuring time. Don't postpone till tomorrow what should be done today.


  作者以諺語開頭,引出時間更勝于金錢這一主題,進而說明我們應該珍惜時間。再以however轉折說明有些人不能認識到時間的重要性這一不良現象,最后總結說明我們應該養成珍惜時間的習慣,今日事今日畢。全文行文自然,過渡詞therefore, however, to conclude等運用貼切,spare no efforts, postpone及復合賓語等高級詞匯和結構的使用更是為文章增加了亮點。 仔細觀察下面兩幅圖畫,運用合理的想象和推理,用英語寫一篇短文。 注意:短文應包括兩幅圖畫的內容,詞數不少于150。 One possible version:

  In the above pictures, a young woman happily eats bananas and throws the peels on the street, not realizing that such actions not only pollute the environment but also pose a danger to others. Then a disabled man struggles to pick up the peels and put them into the dustbin.

  Despite the girl's youth and beauty, it is the disabled man who is truly beautiful. True beauty comes from one's actions rather than one's appearance. While most of us enjoy pretty appearances, it is more important to foster a clean and beautiful mind. Only such minds can create a beautiful society. Chinese traditionally greatly value the virtues of modesty, generosity,broadmindedness, and politeness. After all, beauty of the mind is superior to that of the body.

  英語交際用語主要考查對英語知識的理解和語言應用能力,對中西方文化差異的掌握情況及對英語的使用和駕馭能力,近幾年江蘇高考也逐漸加大了交際用語的考查力度,每年必考。該類試題體現了以情景為條件,以對話為主要表達形式,而且既短小又靈活,前言后語連接緊湊,答語多呈現省略等特點,這就增加了答案的隱蔽性,給考生解題帶來了難度。考查的方式以應答為主,提問為輔,以跨文化交際中差異明顯的交際項目為重點考查對象。 交際用語和諺語

  諺語是洋溢著文化氣息的哲理性語言,是智慧的結晶。高考英語試題中的諺語通常與情景對話題、交際用語題、完形填空題、閱讀理解等題型結合,用來提供情景或點明觀點主旨。在寫作中,如果考生能夠運用幾句諺語表達,會更提升作文層次,英語諺語文字精練、表達生動、情景性強,因此常用在情景交際題中作為試題背景。 情景交際解題要注意“四忌”: 一忌上詞下用。“上詞下用”指的是答語部分沿用了題干句子的重點詞、信息詞,表面看似合理,但往往出錯。如用I don't.回答Don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.再如:I wonder if I could use your telephone.答語可為Of course you can.注意不可用could。 1二忌中文思維。 — Thank you so much for the book you sent me. — Please don't say so. (正確答語為I'm glad you like it.) 三忌直接回絕。這主要指在對方要求得到幫助,提出請求或邀請時,過于直接,不符合英語國家的交際習慣。 — Can I use your bike? — No. I don't like to lend it to you. (正確答語為:Sorry, but I'm using it.) 四忌答非所問。如With pleasure.和It's a pleasure.的區分,前者一般在事前回答,表示“沒問題,非常愿意。”后者一般在事后回答,表示“不必感謝,不客氣。” — I'm sorry I broke your mirror. — Oh, really? It's OK with me. (正確答語為It doesn't matter./It's all right.) 常見諺語 1.時間 Time is money. 時間就是金錢或一寸光陰一寸金。 Time flies. 光陰似箭,日月如梭。 Time has wings. 光陰去如飛。 Time is a file that wears and makes no noise. 光陰如銼,細磨無聲。 Time and I against any two. 和時間攜起手來,一人抵兩人。 Time and tide wait for no man. 歲月不待人。 Time cannot be won again. 時間一去不再來。 Strike while the iron is hot. 趁熱打鐵。 Time is, time was, and time is past. 現在有時間,過去有時間,時間一去不復返。 Time lost can not be recalled. 光陰一去不復返。 Time flies like an arrow, and time lost never returns. 光陰似箭,一去不返。 Time tries truth. 時間檢驗真理。 Time is the father of truth. 時間是真理之父。 2.哲理 Lookers-on see more than the players.

  當局者迷,旁觀者清。 Fact speaks louder than words. 事實勝于雄辯。 Fields have eyes, and woods have ears. 隔墻有耳。 Fool's haste is no speed. 欲速則不達。 Forbidden fruit is sweet. 禁果格外香。 Give a dog a bad name and hang him. 眾口鑠金,積毀銷骨。 Great minds think alike. 英雄所見略同。 Great trees are good for nothing but shade. 大樹底下好乘涼。 Hear all parties. 兼聽則明。 Fortune knocks once at least at every man's gate. 風水輪流轉。 He knows most who speaks least. 大智若愚。 Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. 抱最大的希望,做最壞的打算。 One false move may lose the game. 一著不慎,滿盤皆輸。 Think twice before you do. 三思而后行。 3.知識與勤奮 Knowledge is power. 知識就是力量。 Failure is the mother of success. 失敗是成功之母。 Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鳥兒有蟲吃。 Fear always springs from ignorance. 恐懼源于無知。 Reading enriches the mind.

  開卷有益。 Rome was not built in a day.

  冰凍三尺,非一日之寒。 Genius is nothing but labor and diligence. 天才不過是勤奮而已。 He who makes no mistakes makes nothing. 想不犯錯誤,就一事無成。 If you want knowledge, you must toil for it. 要想求知,就得吃苦。 Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand. 胸中有知識,勝于手中有錢。 Industry is the parent of success. 勤奮是成功之母。 It is never too old to learn. 活到老,學到老。 A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 淺學誤人。 Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud. 博學使人謙遜,無知使人驕傲。 4.友誼 Life without a friend is death. 沒有朋友,雖生猶死。 Old friends and old wines are best. 陳酒味醇,老友情深。 Friends are thieves of time. 朋友是時間的竊賊。 Happiness takes no account of time. 歡樂不覺時光過。 He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs. 背后說好話,才是真朋友。 Time tries friends as fire tries gold. 時間考驗朋友,烈火考驗黃金。 5.生活 First come, first served. 先來后到。 Take things as they come. 既來之,則安之。 First impressions are half the battle. 初次見面,印象最深。 Fortune favors those who use their judgement. 機遇偏愛善斷之人。 Unit 2

  Witnessing time 1、appoint vt. 任命,委派;確定,指定; 約定

  appoint sb. (to be)/as… 任命,委派……為……  appoint sb. to do sth. 派某人做……  appoint sb. to a post 派某人任某職  appoint a time/date/place for… 為……確定時間/日期/地點  appoint that sb. should do sth.命令某人做…… ◆They appointed him to be/as manager.

  他們任命他為經理。 ◆Let's appoint a time for the meeting.

  我們約定開會時間吧。 ◆The head appointed that the work should be finished in two days.

  主任下令這項工作必須在兩天之內完成。 ◆Ten minutes before the appointed time (= the arranged time), he sat nervously outside her office.

  在約定的時間前10分鐘,他緊張地坐在她的辦公室外面。 appointment

  n. 約定 make/have an appointment with sb. 和某人有一個約會 keep an appointment 守約 break an appointment 失約

  ①It doesn't make any sense for the Prime Minister to ______ a banker to this post.

  A. choose

  B. elect

  C. appoint

  D. select ①C ②We must ________ (指派) a new teacher at once to the mountain school.  ②appoint ③Would it be possible to make an early ________ (預約) to have my hair cut tomorrow?  ③appointment 2、 stress vt. 強調 n. 強調,重要性;壓力 ◆The English teacher stressed the importance of reading aloud.

  英語老師強調了朗讀的重要性。 ◆He stressed that we should always be honest.

  他強調我們應該永遠誠實。 ◆Some students are completely struck down by the stresses of examinations.

  有些學生被考試的壓力完全壓垮了。 ①My parents lay/put/place great stress on honesty. 漢譯英 ①我的父母十分注重誠實。 ___________________________________________  ②As we have stressed ② (正如我們強調的那樣) many times, “serve the people” is our first policy. 3、辨析raise, keep, support, feed (1)raise意為“撫養(指人);飼養(禽畜等動物)”。 (2)keep表示“養活(指人);飼養(禽畜等動物)”。 (3)support意為“養活”,不用于飼養動物。 (4)feed意為“喂養;飼養;以……為食”。 ◆He raised the children himself; his wife died years ago. 他的妻子多年前就去世了,他一手把孩子拉扯大。 ◆He raised those goats from new-born kids. 那些山羊從小羊羔時就是他喂養的。 ◆John has his wife and six children to keep/support. 約翰要養活妻子和6個孩子。 ◆He has a large family to support. 他要養活一大家子。 ◆She fed meat to her dog. =She fed her dog with / on meat. 她用肉喂狗。 ◆Foxes feed on small animals. 狐貍以小動物為食。 4、 particular adj. 特殊的,獨特的;挑剔的 n. 細節,詳細 ◆I have no particular reason to suspect him. 我沒有特殊的理由去懷疑他。 ◆This fruit is particular to Africa. 這種水果是非洲所特有的。 ◆Maria is very particular about her dress. 瑪麗亞對穿著很挑剔。 ◆For particulars please contact our local office. 欲知詳情請咨詢我方駐地機構。 particularly adv. 特別地;顯著地 in particular特別地;尤其是 especially強調程度,“尤其,特別”,指有意突出到明顯或例外的程度。 specially強調目的,“專門地,特別地”,指為某個特別的目的而專門地做某事。 particularly強調獨特性或與眾不同,常指以不同的方式突出某一事物的個性或獨特之處。 ◆Our garden is beautiful, especially in fall. 我們的花園很美,尤其是在秋天。 ◆This car was specially designed for use in the desert. 這種汽車是專門為在沙漠里使用而設計的。 ◆This handbook is particularly useful for middle school students. 這本手冊對中學生而言特別有用。 ①C 句意:一些孩子對食物太挑剔了,這對他們的成長不利。此處particular表示“挑剔的”。其余3項與后半句不符。

  ①Some children are too ______ about their food, which is bad for their growth.

  A. careful

  B. special

  C. particular

  D. curious

  ②B 句意:這些T恤通常是每件35美元,但今天他們在購物中心特價賣19美元。special price表示“特價”之義。而其他3個詞都不能表示“特價”之義,且價格通常不用cheap, expensive修飾,particular也不修飾價格。 ②Those T-shirts are usually $35 each, but today they have a ______ price of $19 in the Shopping Center.

  A. regular

  B. special

  C. cheap

  D. particular

  5、 apparent

  adj. 明顯的,顯而易見的;明白無誤的 ◆It was apparent/evident/obvious/clear that he was in no condition to travel.


  ◆His guilt is apparent.

  他罪惡昭彰。 1、 on behalf of

  代表某人;為某人;以某人的名義; 為了……的利益 ◆I am speaking on behalf of my class.

  我代表我們班級發言。 ◆On behalf of the company, I welcome you. 我謹代表公司歡迎你。 漢譯英 ①他代表全班接受了邀請。 ___________________________________________________________________ ①He accepted the invitation on behalf of the whole class. ②I am writing ______ my mother to express her thanks for your gift.

  A. in memory of

  B. on behalf of

  C. with respect to

  D. on account of ②B 代母致信感謝您的禮物。 2、in terms of 在……方面,就……而論 in one's terms 在某人看來 be on good / bad terms with… 和……關系好/不好 on the same terms 在同等條件下 come to terms with … 對……讓步,與……妥協 in the long term / run 就長期而言 term of office 任期 用in的短語填空 ①Kelly loved her husband in ______ of the fact he drank too much. ②The villagers went in ______ of the missing boy. ③In ______ of fire, break the glass. ④I'm all in ______ of people going out and enjoying themselves so long as they don't disturb others. ⑤In ______ of achievement, last week's ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned a low, though not failing, grade. ①spite  句意:雖然她丈夫喝酒很兇,凱莉仍然愛著他。 ②search

  句意:村民們都去尋找那個失蹤的男孩去了。 ③case 

  句意:萬一發生火災,打碎玻璃。 ④favor  句意:我完全支持人們出去好好玩一下,只要他們不打攪其他人。 ⑤terms  句意:就成就而言,上周舉行的WTO部長級會議雖然算不上失敗,但只取得了很小的成績。 The Western, or Roman alphabet, is a Greek invention, as is the marathon, a long distance race created in honor of a Greek soldier who ran from Marathon to Athens to report a victory at the Battle of Marathon in 490 BC. 西方字母表或羅馬字母表就是希臘人的發明,正如馬拉松賽跑一樣。馬拉松賽跑是一項長跑比賽,是為紀念一位希臘信使而命名的。公元前490年,他從馬拉松一直跑到雅典去報告馬拉松戰役的勝利。 本句包含5個層次。第一層:The Western or Roman alphabet is a Greek invention是主句,as is the marathon… 是as引導的非限制性定語從句;第二層:a long distance…是marathon的同位語,對其進行補充;第三層:created in honor of a Greek soldier…是過去分詞短語作定語,修飾a long distance race; 第四層:定語從句who ran from…修飾先行詞a Greek soldier; 第五層:to report a victory at the Battle of…是不定式短語作目的狀語,修飾前面的ran from… 怎樣寫好議論文 1.議論文的概述 議論文是以議論為主,通過擺事實、講道理的方法,對客觀事物進行評述或議論,以闡明作者的觀點和主張,說服別人,讓人信服。 (1)議論文的3要素 議論文必須含有論點、論據和論證3個要素。 ①論點是作者對所議論的問題所持的看法或主張; ②論據是用來證明論點的事實和道理,即證明論點的材料; ③論證是用論據來證明論點的推理過程和方法。 論證的種類有立論和駁論兩種。 立論是作者證明自己的論點正確; 駁論是作者證明別人的論點錯誤。

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