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  41.AS a ______ actor,he can perform,sing,dance and play several kinds of musical instruments.

  A.flexible 靈活的,柔韌的 n.flexibility

  B.versatile 形容人多才多藝的,形容工具用途廣泛的 vers 代表隨時可以變換的 n. versatility DVD = Diaital Versatile Disc

  C.sophisticated 特定領域成就著著的學識淵博的 女性事故的老練的 naive 女性單純的 純真的 naivety n. simple simplicity 單純

  D.productive 具有創造力的 produce


  42.There are not many teachers who are strong ________ of traditional methods in English teacheing.

  A.sponsors 贊助商

  (閱讀會考)B.contributors 捐款人 捐助人 投稿人 contribution 貢獻

  C.advocates V 鼓吹 提倡 n.擁護者提倡者 (希臘神話,辯護士,古羅馬的辯護場滔滔不絕的人)

  D.performers 表演者


  43.We managed to reach the top of the mountain , and half an hour later we began to ______.

  A.ascend ⒈上升,攀登 ⒉輕薄的東西升起(煙霧,聲音)

  B.descend 下降下山

  C.decline 衰退 拒絕 下降 (數字及時間的下降)

  D.plunge plunge into 忽然墜落或移動

  a前綴表示上升 ad前綴也代表上升

  由C.得depression 經濟蕭條 DEPRESSION (大寫專有名詞)

  jerk 猝然移動(反映)

  jerk response 快速反映 jerk response 快速反映部隊

  ex-sport 極限運動

  ex 代表 extreme

  plunge into in air 撲向空氣

  maximum 最大限度





  44.Competition,they believe , _______ the national character rather than corrupt

  A.enforces force 強迫 監督實施強迫執行

  B.confirms affirm 確實 確定

  C.intensifies 程度的增強 壓力的增大 intensive 強化的集中的深入的

  D.strengthens (strong strength n)v 增強實力 信念

  competition 競爭 n competitive adj

  rather than 句型前面的動詞噓后面動詞的反義詞,極端反意句型





  airfoeces 空軍

  intensice reading 精讀

  intensive training course 強化課程


  45.The accident ________ him of his sight and the use of his legs.

  A.excluded include包括 clude=shut (關門)包括包含(關在里面)exclude 排除 排斥 拒絕 exclusive n exclusive interview 獨家訪問

  B.disabled disable:make sb. unable to do sth. 從身心兩方面傷害某人

  C.deprived deprive sb. of sth. 剝奪 搶奪

  D.gripped 緊緊抓住

  the disalbled 殘疾人(只有六級用)

  the disadvantaged 弱勢群體(美國表示殘疾人)

  the advantaged 強勢群體

  accident 交通事故

  incident 蓄謀事件


  46.On weekends my grandma usually ______ a glass of wine.

  A.subscribes to 同意 支付款項 submit to(六級)提交上交遞交 describe 描述 ascribe to 歸因于 歸咎于(無名詞)

  B.engages in engage 訂婚 engage in 忙于做某事 參加某項活動

  C.hangs on 堅韌 堅持(on 漂 浮在空中)

  D.indulges in 沉溺于 縱情于享受于


  變成名詞時,后綴為 -scription

  prescribe 開藥方

  prescription 藥方


  47.The people living in these apartments have free ______ to that swimming pool.

  A.access 中性詞 have access to 自由進出的權利 accession to WTO accession to = have access to (進入某地的權利,美國越長的詞越有文化)

  B.excess多余過剩 excessive adj exceed 超越 A match B A跟B一樣的水平 A exceed B A超越B

  C.excursion 短途旅行

  D.recreations create 娛樂休閑(重新創造)

  entertainment 娛樂

  amusement 娛樂


  48.At the party we found that shy girl ________ her mother all the time.

  A.depending on (depend on 不能用于進行時態)independent 獨立的不依賴的

  B.coinciding with (coincide 兩個以上物體面積輪廓相似,事件同時發生意見一致巧合)

  C.adhering to adhere to 粘住; 終于 堅持; 遵守法律法規(adhere to ,comply with ,conform to 符合需要及標準)

  D.clinging to 抱緊掌握


  P169 2000.06 66題

  When you put up wallpaper, should you ___________the edges or put them next to each other?

  A.coincide (兩邊對齊,墻紙有重疊)

  B.extend (拉伸以后貼上去)

  C.overlap (over 蓋住 lap貼一張)

  D.collide (碰撞,2個物體相碰撞)


  49.When a psychologist does a general experiment about the human mind , he selects people ________ and ask them questions.

  A.at length (at last finally(六級) 【完整地,全部地(四級)】

  B.at random = randomly 隨意地,偶然地【第50題 deliberately 存心地 故意地】

  C.in essence 本質上地,實質上地

  D.in bulk 散裝地

  psychologist 心理學家






  50.I think she hurt my feelings _________ rather than by accidents as she claimed.


  B.deliberately 存心地 故意地

  C.literally 逐字逐句地 毫不夸張地 liter = language literature 文學 illiteracy 文盲 exaggerate 夸張

  D.appropriately 適當地 適合地(approximately 大約地)

  rather than 句型

  by accidents = at randome


  51.Even though he was guilty , the _______ judge did not send him to prison.

  A.merciful 使人擺脫懲罰和痛苦地 使人獲得心靈安慰的 人道主意的 (mercy 仁慈 grace 恩典)

  B.impartial 不徇私情的 公正的 part 部分 partial 片面的 impart 傳授教授

  C.conscientious 良心 有責任心的認真的(con sci en tious)

  D.conspicuous 明顯的顯著的一人注目的 不擇手段讓人出名

  guilty 罪過 罪孽

  sin 罪惡

  original sin 原罪

  even though 轉折


  52.The education __________ for the coming year is about $4 billion, which is much more than what people expected.

  A.allowance 皇帝給寵臣的零花錢,政府頒發的津貼,經費(享受國務院津貼的教授)【subsidy 補助費】

  B.reservation 預定(酒店)(六級每次都是開會酒店滿了)

  C.budget 預算

  D.finace 金融(banking 銀行 security 保險 insurance 證券 foundation 基金)



  53.They had a fierce _______ as to whether their company should restore the trade relationship which was broken years ago.

  A.debate 辯論 【(正方,反方)對等力量】

  B.clash 沖突(民族沖突,巴伊沖突)(和某人吵架把杯子【摔了】) crash 墜毀(飛機)

  C.disagreement 不一致 分歧

  D.contest 斗爭競爭 (斗牛士與牛之間,校際比賽,學院內部的比賽) Cambridge and Oxford

  fierce 激烈的

  severe 嚴重的嚴肅的

  as to 為了

  restore (store 存儲)the relationship 恢復關系

  recover 恢復(身體,力量 恢復)


  54.They tossed your thoughts back and forth over an hour, but still could not make ________ of them.

  A.impression 感染力 impressed 被某類事務所感染


  B.tempted 誘惑某人做壞事

  C.elicited 引起 激起

  D.attracted 被善良美好的東西所吸引

  ignite 點燃 引起(階級仇,民族恨)

  resist the temptation 拒絕誘惑

  中性詞 tempting 吸引人的 有趣的

  tempter 誘惑者

  (褒義)attracting 有吸引力

  (中性)lure 引誘

  (貶義)induce 引誘某人做壞事


  stunning 極好的


  gorgeous 華麗的 絢爛的 (美)


  58.Being somewhat short-sighted , she had the habit of ________ at people.

  A.glancing (glance 短暫的一瞥)

  B.peering (peer n 朋友 同事 同志)

  C.gazing gaze at 帶感情色彩的凝視

  D.scaning 瀏覽 掃描 搜索

  at first glance 一見鐘情

  instant love、quick love、glance love 一見鐘情的愛

  immediate love (美)一見鐘情的愛

  peer at = look carefully with difficult

  private = 男性大兵

  GI = Government Issue 女大兵

  landmine 地雷

  undermine 損壞

  whether it be landmines or abyss 無論是地雷還是萬丈深淵

  narcissus 自戀


  59.Of the thousand of known volcanoes in the world, the ________ majority are inactive.

  A.tremendous 巨大的 高速的 (enormous)

  B.demanding 耗費時間精力的 需要引起注意的 麻煩的(四級考,六級不考)

  C.intensive 深入的 仔細的 (intesity 地震的強度 濃烈程度)

  D.overwhelming 占絕對優勢的 壓倒多數的

  volcanoe 火山

  macaco monkey 獼猴

  kiwi 獼猴桃(雞尾果)

  majority 多數 多數派

  minor 少數

  minority 少數民族 少數派

  ●●in terms of


  wax 蠟

  waxy 光亮的(頭發光光的)

  spiky style (頭發一根根分離向上)

  spike 釘子

  intensive reading 精讀


  60.In general,matter which lie entirely within state borders are the ________ concern of state goverments.

  A.extinct (n extinction 動物的種群滅絕,必然出現選項為 ⑴species 種群 ⑵panda 熊貓 六級用 giant【巨人】panda)


  C.excessive 極端的 超越的

  D.exclusive 獨有的 獨家的 專享的

  主語:matter 定語從句:which lie entirely within state borders 謂語 are(需要填獨有的獨家的)

  ex ⑴代表 out ⑵超越 超過

  exceed 超過

  succeed 成功

  give me spicy

  post modern 后現代

  post industry 后工業社會


  61.The peotry of Ezra Pound is sometimes difficult to understand because it contains so many ___________ references.

  A.obscure (重音第二個)

  B.acute (cute 聰明 伶俐 boney 多骨的 bony 美麗的 可愛的)

  C.notable 重要的 顯著的 (odour 氣味)

  D.objective 客觀的 真實的

  peotry 詩

  references :參考書 典故 推薦信

  reference letter (推薦信)= recommendation letter(推薦信)

  absurd 荒謬的 可笑的(男人愛女人 愛不死)

  obscure 晦澀的(才華橫溢的人 餓不死)

  ambiguous 模棱兩可的 晦澀難懂的(我輩中人,吃 安畢圭)

  instant dictionary 快速字典(文曲星)


  62.The major was asked to _________ his speech in order to allow his audience to raise questions.


  B.conduct 指揮(過于簡單的詞)

  C.condense 濃縮 使簡介 (density 密度)

  D.converge 豫東物體的集聚和匯合 思想和思潮的薈萃(verge 線條【羅馬時】)

  con:前綴代表 together



  63.The morning news says a school bus __________ with a train at the junction and a group of policemen were sent there immediately.

  A.bumped 【bumped against/on 運動物體撞靜止物體(bump car)】

  B.collided 【collide with 兩個運動的物體相撞 兩國沖突】

  C.crashed 飛機失事 砸碎 打碎 崩潰【關于崩潰的詞:crumple、collapse(倒塌)】

  D.struck【strick 打擊、stikingly 令人驚訝地】

  boost you up

  a bundle of pundits 一捆牛人

  fist 拳頭

  two-fisted sportsman 全能運動員【two-fisted 左右開弓】

  bite 咬著

  morphine 麻醉劑

  hypnosis 催眠

  bite the bullets 咬住子彈(忍受無端痛苦)


  64.Sometimes patients (分詞短語做定語)suffering from severe pain can be helped by drugs that arent really drugs at all ______ sugar pills that contain no active chemical elements.(連詞)

  A.or rather

  B.rather than

  C.but rather【nobut rather 不是而是】

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