U.S. President Donald Trump plans to give a major speech on the Islamic faith during his upcoming visit to Saudi Arabia, home to the religion's major shrines.
National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster told reporters Tuesday that Trump, who is leaving for Saudi Arabia on Friday, would meet and have lunch with leaders of more than 50 Muslim countries and deliver “an inspiring, direct speech on the need to confront radical ideology and the president's hopes for a peaceful vision of Islam.”
McMaster said Trump's first overseas trip as president is aimed at promoting unity among Muslims, Jews and Christians, with visits also set for Israel and the Vatican as part of a five-nation, nine-day trip.
Trump, a Christian, has sparked some of the most controversial moments of his campaign for the White House and his nearly four-month presidency with comments and policies related to Muslims.
美國國家安全事務顧問麥克馬斯特星期二對記者表示,星期五將啟程訪問沙特的川普總統,將與來自50多個穆斯林國家的領導人舉行會晤并共進午餐。他將發表“一次激動人心的直率演說,演說將兼顧對抗激進意識形態的需要,以及川普總統所希望的伊斯蘭教的和平愿景” 。
U.S. President Donald Trump plans to give a major speech on the Islamic faith during his upcoming visit to Saudi Arabia, home to the religion's major shrines.
National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster told reporters Tuesday that Trump, who is leaving for Saudi Arabia on Friday, would meet and have lunch with leaders of more than 50 Muslim countries and deliver “an inspiring, direct speech on the need to confront radical ideology and the president's hopes for a peaceful vision of Islam.”
McMaster said Trump's first overseas trip as president is aimed at promoting unity among Muslims, Jews and Christians, with visits also set for Israel and the Vatican as part of a five-nation, nine-day trip.
Trump, a Christian, has sparked some of the most controversial moments of his campaign for the White House and his nearly four-month presidency with comments and policies related to Muslims.
美國國家安全事務顧問麥克馬斯特星期二對記者表示,星期五將啟程訪問沙特的川普總統,將與來自50多個穆斯林國家的領導人舉行會晤并共進午餐。他將發表“一次激動人心的直率演說,演說將兼顧對抗激進意識形態的需要,以及川普總統所希望的伊斯蘭教的和平愿景” 。