Microchip Research Center Created
A research center has been set up in this Far Eastern country to develop advanced micro-chip production technology. The center, which will start out with about US $14 million, will help the country develop its chip industry without always depending on imported technology.
The center will make use of its research skills and facilities to develop new technology for domestic chip plants. The advent of the center will possibly free the country from the situation that it is always buying almost-outdated technologies from other countries, said the countrys flagship chipmaker.1 Currently, chip plants in this country are in a passive situation because many foreign governments dont allow them to import the most advanced technologies, fearing they will be used for military purposes. Moreover, the high licensing fees they have to pay to technology providers are also an important reason for their decision of self-reliance2.
As mainstream chip production technology shifts from one generation to the next every three to five years3,plants with new technology can make more powerful chips at lower costs, while4 plants with outdated equipment, which often cost billions of dollars to build, will be marginalized by the maker.
More than 10 chip plants are being built, each costing millions of US dollars.5 The majority of that money goes to overseas equipment vendors and technology owners mainly from Japan and Singapore.
Should the new center play a major role in improving the situation in the industry,6 the country admits the US $14 million investment is still rather small. This country is developing comprehensive technologies. Most of the investment will be spent on setting alliances with technology and intellectual property7 owners.
microchip微芯片 flagship 首位,最好
mainstream 主流 marginalize 忽視,邊緣化
vendor 賣主
1.The advent of the center will possibly free the country from the situation that it is always buying almost-outdated technologies from other countries, said the countrys flagship chipmaker:這個國家名列首位的芯片制造公司說,芯片中心的成立可能使這個國家擺脫從他國購買即將淘汰的技術的困境。
free ... from ... :把從解放出來
situation that = situation in which
said the countrys flagship chipmaker:把誰說的放在句末,是為了突出The advent ... other countries所表達的事實。注意放在句末時用的是倒裝句:said the countrys flagship chipmaker。
3.every three to five years:每隔3~5年
5.More than 10 chip plants are being built, each costing millions of US dollars:十幾個芯片廠正在建設之中,每一個廠的造價都在幾百萬美元。
each costing millions of US dollars是獨立分詞結構,用作狀語,進一步說明情況。
6.Should the new center play a major role in improving the situation in the industry:如果新建的芯片中心能在改善該國在芯片行業的形勢中起重要作用
Shouldin the industry是虛擬條件句,也可寫成If the new center should play a major role in improving the situation in the industry ...
7.intellectual property:知識產權
1.The country says that the investment of US $14 million is big enough for developing that countrys chip industry.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned
2.That country gives top priorities to developing chips for military purposes.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned
3.Although the licensing fees are not very high, that Far Eastern country cannot afford to pay.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned
4.Many western countries ban the exporting of the most advanced chip-making technologies to that country to prevent them from being used for military purposes.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned
5.Currently, almost all the flagship chipmakers in that country are owned by American investors.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned
6.Mainstream chip production technology develop rapidly.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned
7.More than 10 chip plants being built in that country are an example of self-reliance.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned
1.B 本題給出的信息是錯誤的。最后一段說到,如果新建的芯片中心能在改善該國在芯片行業的被動形勢中起重要作用,該國認為:... the US $14 million investment is still rather small。
2.C 文章沒有提供這方面的信息。
3.B 文章提到專利費較高,此句說較低,與原意不符。
4.A 本題給出的信息是正確的。第二段有這樣一句話:Currently, chip plants in this country are in a passive situation because many foreign governments dont allow them to import the most advanced technologies, fearing they will be used for military purposes.這就是選A的依據。
5.C 文章沒有提供這方面的信息。
6.A 選A的依據是第三段第一句:... mainstream chip production technology shifts from one generation to the next every three to five years ...
7.B 本題給出的信息是錯誤的。第四段第二句說明,這些芯片工廠的技術主要是從日本和新加坡進口的。
由于主流芯片生產技術每隔 3~5年就要進行更新換代,所以掌握了新技術的廠家就可以以較低的成本制造出較好的芯片,而那些耗費數十億美元建立起的廠家,如果設備落后,也將會被生產商所淘汰。
Microchip Research Center Created
A research center has been set up in this Far Eastern country to develop advanced micro-chip production technology. The center, which will start out with about US $14 million, will help the country develop its chip industry without always depending on imported technology.
The center will make use of its research skills and facilities to develop new technology for domestic chip plants. The advent of the center will possibly free the country from the situation that it is always buying almost-outdated technologies from other countries, said the countrys flagship chipmaker.1 Currently, chip plants in this country are in a passive situation because many foreign governments dont allow them to import the most advanced technologies, fearing they will be used for military purposes. Moreover, the high licensing fees they have to pay to technology providers are also an important reason for their decision of self-reliance2.
As mainstream chip production technology shifts from one generation to the next every three to five years3,plants with new technology can make more powerful chips at lower costs, while4 plants with outdated equipment, which often cost billions of dollars to build, will be marginalized by the maker.
More than 10 chip plants are being built, each costing millions of US dollars.5 The majority of that money goes to overseas equipment vendors and technology owners mainly from Japan and Singapore.
Should the new center play a major role in improving the situation in the industry,6 the country admits the US $14 million investment is still rather small. This country is developing comprehensive technologies. Most of the investment will be spent on setting alliances with technology and intellectual property7 owners.
microchip微芯片 flagship 首位,最好
mainstream 主流 marginalize 忽視,邊緣化
vendor 賣主
1.The advent of the center will possibly free the country from the situation that it is always buying almost-outdated technologies from other countries, said the countrys flagship chipmaker:這個國家名列首位的芯片制造公司說,芯片中心的成立可能使這個國家擺脫從他國購買即將淘汰的技術的困境。
free ... from ... :把從解放出來
situation that = situation in which
said the countrys flagship chipmaker:把誰說的放在句末,是為了突出The advent ... other countries所表達的事實。注意放在句末時用的是倒裝句:said the countrys flagship chipmaker。
3.every three to five years:每隔3~5年
5.More than 10 chip plants are being built, each costing millions of US dollars:十幾個芯片廠正在建設之中,每一個廠的造價都在幾百萬美元。
each costing millions of US dollars是獨立分詞結構,用作狀語,進一步說明情況。
6.Should the new center play a major role in improving the situation in the industry:如果新建的芯片中心能在改善該國在芯片行業的形勢中起重要作用
Shouldin the industry是虛擬條件句,也可寫成If the new center should play a major role in improving the situation in the industry ...
7.intellectual property:知識產權
1.The country says that the investment of US $14 million is big enough for developing that countrys chip industry.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned
2.That country gives top priorities to developing chips for military purposes.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned
3.Although the licensing fees are not very high, that Far Eastern country cannot afford to pay.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned
4.Many western countries ban the exporting of the most advanced chip-making technologies to that country to prevent them from being used for military purposes.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned
5.Currently, almost all the flagship chipmakers in that country are owned by American investors.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned
6.Mainstream chip production technology develop rapidly.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned
7.More than 10 chip plants being built in that country are an example of self-reliance.
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned
1.B 本題給出的信息是錯誤的。最后一段說到,如果新建的芯片中心能在改善該國在芯片行業的被動形勢中起重要作用,該國認為:... the US $14 million investment is still rather small。
2.C 文章沒有提供這方面的信息。
3.B 文章提到專利費較高,此句說較低,與原意不符。
4.A 本題給出的信息是正確的。第二段有這樣一句話:Currently, chip plants in this country are in a passive situation because many foreign governments dont allow them to import the most advanced technologies, fearing they will be used for military purposes.這就是選A的依據。
5.C 文章沒有提供這方面的信息。
6.A 選A的依據是第三段第一句:... mainstream chip production technology shifts from one generation to the next every three to five years ...
7.B 本題給出的信息是錯誤的。第四段第二句說明,這些芯片工廠的技術主要是從日本和新加坡進口的。
由于主流芯片生產技術每隔 3~5年就要進行更新換代,所以掌握了新技術的廠家就可以以較低的成本制造出較好的芯片,而那些耗費數十億美元建立起的廠家,如果設備落后,也將會被生產商所淘汰。