India favours France s Dassault
WE VE been waiting for this day for 30 years, said Nicolas Sarkozy, France s president,
我們為這一天已經等待了30年 ,法國總統尼古拉薩科奇說。
on the news this week that India had gone into exclusive negotiations with DassaultAviation, a French firm, to buy 126 of its Rafale warplanes for $15 billion-20 billion.
本周,印度和法國達索航空就印度斥資150~200億美元購買126架其生產的 陣風 戰斗機進入實質性的協商階段。
France has not sold a single Rafale overseas, and until this week the plane s future lookediffy.
這是法國第一次為 陣風 找到海外買家,并且直到本周 陣風 的將來看起來都是撲朔迷離的。
Shares in Dassault Aviation soared by 18.5%.
The loser, ironically, was the Rafale s cousin, the Eurofighter Typhoon, built by a consortiumled by EADS, Europe s defence and aerospace champion, which is jointly controlled byGermany and France.
諷刺的是,競爭失敗的是 陣風 的堂兄弟歐洲戰機公司的 臺風 戰機, 臺風 是由歐洲宇航防務集團領導多家企業聯合制造的,該戰機由德國和法國聯合控制。
EADS itself owns a 46% stake in Dassault, a legacy of earlier French government meddling,so its own shares inched up on the news.
EADS持有達索46%的股份,這是早期法國政府干預達索遺留下來的東西,因此EADS的股票也隨著印度購買 陣風 的資訊上漲了一些。
Dassault won its exclusive-bidder status by offering the lower price.
Both European jets had satisfied the technical requirements of the Indian Air Force, whichwants zippier planes to guard against China s Chengdu J-10 combat aircraft and Pakistan sageing American F-16s.
In tests over the Himalayas and the desert, India had eliminated the F-16 and F/A-18, theRussian MiG-35 and Swedish JAS 39 Gripen from the process during 2009-10.
2009-2010期間,印度在喜馬拉雅山脈和拉賈斯坦邦的沙漠進行了試飛測試,而后放棄了F-16,F/A-18,俄制米格-35和瑞典制JAS 39鷹獅戰機。
The capabilities of both the Rafale and the Eurofighter were on display during the Libyanwar.
陣風 和 臺風 的能力都已經在利比亞戰爭中顯示過了。
The Typhoon is the superior air-to-air interceptor.
臺風 在空對空的截擊方面更有優勢。
The Rafale switches more easily into a ground-attack mode.
陣風 則在對地攻擊模式中更勝一籌。
After seeing the Rafale rejected repeatedly over the past decade, by the Netherlands, SouthKorea, Singapore, Morocco, the United Arab Emirates and Switzerland, the French weredesperate to win a contract.
在過去的十年中, 陣風 不停的被多個國家所鄙視,包括荷蘭、南韓、新加坡、摩洛哥、阿聯酋和瑞士,法國人已經對 陣風 能獲得合同不報希望。
The plane was becoming a costly embarrassment, especially for Mr Sarkozy, who has longpromised a sale to Brazil but has nothing to show for his efforts.
Some even wondered if the Rafale could survive with France as its only customer.
有些人甚至懷疑只有法國這一個客戶的 陣風 能否存活下去。
Now Dassault must seal the contract with India in a series of detailed negotiations overtechnology transfer and other conditions.
India is known for switching to other bidders before finally signing a contract.
The Indians will now squeeze the French hard, says an executive on the Typhoon side.
印度將和法國人緊緊的聯系在一起 ,一位 臺風 戰機的高管說。
That said, India has used Dassault s Mirage jets for many years, and last year signed a $2.4billion deal with Dassault,
印度已經使用達索的 幻影 戰機很多年了,去年還和達索、泰雷茲和歐洲導彈制造商簽訂了24億美元的合同來升級其法國戰機。
Thales and MBDA, two other French defence firms, to upgrade its French planes.
For the Eurofighter consortium the Indian deal is crucial too.
David Cameron, Britain s prime minister, said this week that the Typhoon is far better thanthe Rafale.
英國首相大衛 卡梅倫本周說 臺風 比 陣風 好多了。
Sales of the Typhoon, which went into service in 2004, have disappointed.
臺風 從2004年開始銷售,但情況一直是令人失望的。
The Eurofighter member governments have all orderedplanes, but only Austria and Saudi Arabia have bought them from outside the group.
歐洲戰機聯盟成員包括德國、英國、意大利和西班牙,這些政府都下單買過 臺風 ,但是在聯盟外, 臺風 只賣給了奧地利和沙特阿拉伯這兩個國家。
Eurofighter may now lower its price to rejoin the bidding for India s contract.
It may also offer India the carrot of equal status as a partner in the programme, alongsidethe four European nations.
Eurofighter says it will be helped by what is turning out to be a transparent procurementprocess.
Whereas previous Indian arms deals have been dogged by accusations of corruption, thisone has so far been exemplary, says an executive involved.
Having opted out of the Eurofighter project in 1985, France s determination to go it alone indefence matters has led to the spectacle of two expensive European combat planescompeting for the same big contract.
Europe should not have two jets fighting each other, says Zafar Khan, a defence-industryanalyst at Societe Generale, a French bank. The next generation of European fighter jets, hesays, should be a more co-ordinated effort.
歐盟應該有兩種戰斗機來互相牽制 ,一位來自法國興業銀行的國防工業分析師Zafar Khan說, 下一代的歐洲戰機應該能更加協調的朝一個方向努力 。
India favours France s Dassault
WE VE been waiting for this day for 30 years, said Nicolas Sarkozy, France s president,
我們為這一天已經等待了30年 ,法國總統尼古拉薩科奇說。
on the news this week that India had gone into exclusive negotiations with DassaultAviation, a French firm, to buy 126 of its Rafale warplanes for $15 billion-20 billion.
本周,印度和法國達索航空就印度斥資150~200億美元購買126架其生產的 陣風 戰斗機進入實質性的協商階段。
France has not sold a single Rafale overseas, and until this week the plane s future lookediffy.
這是法國第一次為 陣風 找到海外買家,并且直到本周 陣風 的將來看起來都是撲朔迷離的。
Shares in Dassault Aviation soared by 18.5%.
The loser, ironically, was the Rafale s cousin, the Eurofighter Typhoon, built by a consortiumled by EADS, Europe s defence and aerospace champion, which is jointly controlled byGermany and France.
諷刺的是,競爭失敗的是 陣風 的堂兄弟歐洲戰機公司的 臺風 戰機, 臺風 是由歐洲宇航防務集團領導多家企業聯合制造的,該戰機由德國和法國聯合控制。
EADS itself owns a 46% stake in Dassault, a legacy of earlier French government meddling,so its own shares inched up on the news.
EADS持有達索46%的股份,這是早期法國政府干預達索遺留下來的東西,因此EADS的股票也隨著印度購買 陣風 的資訊上漲了一些。
Dassault won its exclusive-bidder status by offering the lower price.
Both European jets had satisfied the technical requirements of the Indian Air Force, whichwants zippier planes to guard against China s Chengdu J-10 combat aircraft and Pakistan sageing American F-16s.
In tests over the Himalayas and the desert, India had eliminated the F-16 and F/A-18, theRussian MiG-35 and Swedish JAS 39 Gripen from the process during 2009-10.
2009-2010期間,印度在喜馬拉雅山脈和拉賈斯坦邦的沙漠進行了試飛測試,而后放棄了F-16,F/A-18,俄制米格-35和瑞典制JAS 39鷹獅戰機。
The capabilities of both the Rafale and the Eurofighter were on display during the Libyanwar.
陣風 和 臺風 的能力都已經在利比亞戰爭中顯示過了。
The Typhoon is the superior air-to-air interceptor.
臺風 在空對空的截擊方面更有優勢。
The Rafale switches more easily into a ground-attack mode.
陣風 則在對地攻擊模式中更勝一籌。
After seeing the Rafale rejected repeatedly over the past decade, by the Netherlands, SouthKorea, Singapore, Morocco, the United Arab Emirates and Switzerland, the French weredesperate to win a contract.
在過去的十年中, 陣風 不停的被多個國家所鄙視,包括荷蘭、南韓、新加坡、摩洛哥、阿聯酋和瑞士,法國人已經對 陣風 能獲得合同不報希望。
The plane was becoming a costly embarrassment, especially for Mr Sarkozy, who has longpromised a sale to Brazil but has nothing to show for his efforts.
Some even wondered if the Rafale could survive with France as its only customer.
有些人甚至懷疑只有法國這一個客戶的 陣風 能否存活下去。
Now Dassault must seal the contract with India in a series of detailed negotiations overtechnology transfer and other conditions.
India is known for switching to other bidders before finally signing a contract.
The Indians will now squeeze the French hard, says an executive on the Typhoon side.
印度將和法國人緊緊的聯系在一起 ,一位 臺風 戰機的高管說。
That said, India has used Dassault s Mirage jets for many years, and last year signed a $2.4billion deal with Dassault,
印度已經使用達索的 幻影 戰機很多年了,去年還和達索、泰雷茲和歐洲導彈制造商簽訂了24億美元的合同來升級其法國戰機。
Thales and MBDA, two other French defence firms, to upgrade its French planes.
For the Eurofighter consortium the Indian deal is crucial too.
David Cameron, Britain s prime minister, said this week that the Typhoon is far better thanthe Rafale.
英國首相大衛 卡梅倫本周說 臺風 比 陣風 好多了。
Sales of the Typhoon, which went into service in 2004, have disappointed.
臺風 從2004年開始銷售,但情況一直是令人失望的。
The Eurofighter member governments have all orderedplanes, but only Austria and Saudi Arabia have bought them from outside the group.
歐洲戰機聯盟成員包括德國、英國、意大利和西班牙,這些政府都下單買過 臺風 ,但是在聯盟外, 臺風 只賣給了奧地利和沙特阿拉伯這兩個國家。
Eurofighter may now lower its price to rejoin the bidding for India s contract.
It may also offer India the carrot of equal status as a partner in the programme, alongsidethe four European nations.
Eurofighter says it will be helped by what is turning out to be a transparent procurementprocess.
Whereas previous Indian arms deals have been dogged by accusations of corruption, thisone has so far been exemplary, says an executive involved.
Having opted out of the Eurofighter project in 1985, France s determination to go it alone indefence matters has led to the spectacle of two expensive European combat planescompeting for the same big contract.
Europe should not have two jets fighting each other, says Zafar Khan, a defence-industryanalyst at Societe Generale, a French bank. The next generation of European fighter jets, hesays, should be a more co-ordinated effort.
歐盟應該有兩種戰斗機來互相牽制 ,一位來自法國興業銀行的國防工業分析師Zafar Khan說, 下一代的歐洲戰機應該能更加協調的朝一個方向努力 。