choice, alternative, preference, option, selection, election
1.choice :側重指自由選擇的權利或特權。
Of the twochoices, I prefer the latter.(在兩種選擇中, 我要后者。)
2.alternative :指在相互排斥的兩者之間作嚴格的選擇,也可指在兩者以上中進行選擇。
The only alternative to being taken prisoner was to die fighting.(除了當俘虜之外, 惟一的選擇就是奮戰至死了。)
3.preference :側重因偏見、愛好或判斷等而進行選擇。
My preference is that we challenge the other groups to a friendly competition.(我喜歡向別的組挑戰, 來一個友誼競賽。)
4.option :著重特別給予的選擇權利或權力,所選物常常相互排斥。
You will have to pay them; you have no option.(你必須付給他們錢, 別無選擇。)
We left the selection of the team to the captain.(我們把挑選隊員的工作交給了隊長。)
6.election :強調目的和達到目的判斷能力。
The newspapers are discussing the coming election.(各家報紙現在正談論未來選舉事宜。)
choice, alternative, preference, option, selection, election
1.choice :側重指自由選擇的權利或特權。
Of the twochoices, I prefer the latter.(在兩種選擇中, 我要后者。)
2.alternative :指在相互排斥的兩者之間作嚴格的選擇,也可指在兩者以上中進行選擇。
The only alternative to being taken prisoner was to die fighting.(除了當俘虜之外, 惟一的選擇就是奮戰至死了。)
3.preference :側重因偏見、愛好或判斷等而進行選擇。
My preference is that we challenge the other groups to a friendly competition.(我喜歡向別的組挑戰, 來一個友誼競賽。)
4.option :著重特別給予的選擇權利或權力,所選物常常相互排斥。
You will have to pay them; you have no option.(你必須付給他們錢, 別無選擇。)
We left the selection of the team to the captain.(我們把挑選隊員的工作交給了隊長。)
6.election :強調目的和達到目的判斷能力。
The newspapers are discussing the coming election.(各家報紙現在正談論未來選舉事宜。)